You see, Liberace is a part-time bow-tie model and 8-year-old rescue cat. We first started taking bow-tie photos to add some fun to our day when we stopped being able to go out much. But many people love Liberace’s pictures, so the idea of merchandise was born. The folks at have used his photos– and put them on everything from golf balls to tote bags and earrings! My favourites include the watch and the note cards, but Cafepress’s intuitive app is pretty good at figuring out where each picture of him might look best. Some pictures have mugs, jigsaws…even a number plate! You can get yours here.
The idea of a calendar is still on the drawing board, but it may not be possible because of the low-resolution pictures my smartphone has taken . If anyone reading this thinks they could help to improve the quality of my images and turn them into a calendar, please contact us at

When you buy a Liberace-themed item from Cafepress, all royalties will go to Wellington Cats Protection League (New Zealand.) More products and bow-ties are coming, but several designs are already available.
This look on his face – strong reminder of the one I lost due to illness. Give Liberace a tear-filled cuddle from me.
love the bow ties 🙂
These are adorable 🙂 keep up the great work guys
Pingback: Liberace Charity Fundraiser for Wellington Cats Protection League - Baptize A Cat?
Ahwww <3
Necklaces, but no Earrings?
I do not like the opening of this post ONE TINY BIT. I know you are trying to be clever about how inanimate decorations are made in the cat’s image, but IT HURTS TO READ. It hurts because horrible people do all those sadistic things to animals, especially cats whom sadists resent probably because they can’t be told what to do. There was a horrible case of cruelty in a frat house in America years ago where just some of those things were done to the poor frat house cat. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE rewrite this post. I am almost in tears from reading it.
Hiya! So sorry you took the bit of humor of our guest author in this way. 🙁
I can certainly confirm that this wasn’t her attention…
I’m sure it wasn’t… but there is so much abuse of animals in this world, that it is nothing to joke about, ever.
I usually love reading your posts. I have to say though, I was appalled at the attempt at humor in the opening. Sorry, but after seeing animals harmed in horrible ways by cretins who didn’t care about their pets lives, I found your opening horrible at best. I would seriously consider changing the opening before more people are horrified. You can delete my comment too if you wish, but I can not let writing like this stand without comment.
Hi Suze,
This was written by one of our guest authors and I do apologies that it came across in this way. It was meant to be a humorous intro the charity fundraising campaign. 🙁
Now that’s class!
Have a spectacular Sunday…
Noodle and crew