Hi everyone,
It’s Rennie here! And I can’t believe how slow these human servants sometimes are…
Renegade: Why would you put down a closed tin? Do you not know that I’ve not got opposable thumbs to open it! 🙁
Nubia: I think the idea is to take a few photos first to show people what you are going to be eating…
Renegade: YES!!!! They’ve opened it AT LAST!
Nubia: I don’t think you should eat it out of the tin… give them a chance to put it in the bowl. o.o
Nubia: *Sigh* I am sure he is a pig… not a cat at times!
Renegade: Waaaaaaaah give me back my bowl of food o.o! I am starving!!!!

Renegade: Much better… now remember to do this more quickly next time humans! 😀
Renegade: This new food from AniForte was very yummy!
Nubia: What exactly was it you had?
Renegade: My favourite prey! Rabbit!
Nubia: Hmmmm….. hunting rabbits? I better send a warning to our friend Speedy… @_@
Renegade: Speedy? Is that the tasty looking bunny… *licks lips*
Nubia: Right that”s it I am going to go hide our friend before eating the morsels left behind by Rennie. :O
Signed by,
Her Meowjesty Queen Nubia the Disturber of Peace
Prince Renegade the Creator of Chaos
Renegade is certainly driving you hard ! He is very lean but I am sure that is because his amazing energy burns off every ounce of fat !
He does have far too much energy at times. ?
Happy days !
Pingback: Renegade: Give this to me NOW! - Baptize A Cat?
Numa! Numa!
Hehe 😀
The littlest rascal in your household has a very unusual head form – and is very skinny (naturally, I’d say, not saying you ARE starving him, even if he might not agree) … he has been checked for thyroid problems?
Ah his breed is called Oriental! We adopted him from a friend of ours who is a vet. 🙂
Aaah – that explains it for sure! Asian breeds are mostly rather skinny, like the modern breed of Siamese, which have a similar headform to Renegade. And lo and behold – that breed stems from the modern Siamese breed … They are described as sleek and muscular with a wedge-shaped head – and Renegade fulfills this breeding standards to a point! I just wasn’t aware he was a breed … My bad.
Haha don’t worry. We adopted him from a friend. Renegade was actually a show cat and has won quite a few prizes in his show career.
Now he is a retired cuddle friend to Nubia. ?
Not to Oliver?
They play with each other but Oliver is not keen on cuddles… I did catch them groom each other yesterday tho. 😀 I guess it’s still early days a couple of months in. 🙂
They get along fabulously, if you ask me!
Renegade certainly enjoyed his food I don’t no if there will be much if any left for Nubia.My dad had a Siamese cat which had the same slick body and thin face and of course those gorgeous ears.Love you all.x?????
his mother and sister were both classified as Siamese 🙂
Because he is somewhat tabby coloured he counts as oriental. He really is a sweetheart but eats like a pig. ?
Perhaps you are not feeding him enough. Snoops and Kommando Kitty
? he thinks so but we disagree. He gets a lot haha