Nubia: It’s Raining Purple Worms!

Hi everyone,

It’s Nubia here once again. Lazy brother is probably sleeping somewhere…

Anyhow! so I was relaxing in my nest of purple worms the other day…


Nubia: All cosy it was and I was about to go to sleep.


Nubia: But when there was that noise!


Nubia: I looked left and saw nothing.


Nubia: I looked forward and nothing again.


Nubia: But when I looked upwards and there they were!

Nubia: Evil rogue purple worms! :O

Nubia: Well maybe more fun than evil. 😀

If you want to make your kitties happy these came in one of our My Purrfect Gift Boxes! 😀

Oh before I go… Don’t forget to sign-up to our Newsletter. 🙂

Signed by,

Her Meowjesty Queen Nubia the Disturber of Peace


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139 thoughts on “Nubia: It’s Raining Purple Worms!

  1. meowmeowmans says:

    Nubia, you sure are a beautiful model. And those purple worms look like lots of fun!

  2. terrepruitt says:

    I have a box of this stuff on the floor for the cats to play with. Actually, now that I think of it, I have two. One is a little gift box full of the stuff, the other one is a much bigger box. We find it all over the house. I like it because it is good entertainment for the cats! Ours isn’t purple.

  3. Valentine says:

    Your Majesty, those are some pawsome looking purple worms! I bet you put the rogue ones back into form! I haven’t played with worms like that before. I bet they are fun to play with. You take such stunning pictures! Winks!

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