Hi everyone,
It’s Nubia here once again. Lazy brother is probably sleeping somewhere…
Anyhow! so I was relaxing in my nest of purple worms the other day…
Nubia: All cosy it was and I was about to go to sleep.
Nubia: But when there was that noise!
Nubia: I looked left and saw nothing.
Nubia: I looked forward and nothing again.
Nubia: But when I looked upwards and there they were!
Nubia: Evil rogue purple worms! :O

Nubia: Well maybe more fun than evil. 😀
If you want to make your kitties happy these came in one of our My Purrfect Gift Boxes! 😀
Oh before I go… Don’t forget to sign-up to our Newsletter. 🙂
Signed by,
Her Meowjesty Queen Nubia the Disturber of Peace
Visit our Shop for top-quality cat toys and cat lover products!
Que cómico se ve el gato haciendo modelaje a la cámara ???
English please? Can’t like or comment if not in English.
I’m learning English little by little.
I’m sorry if I came over mean because that’s not how I wanted it to come over. I took Spanish but Can’t speak it conversationally so when I see a comment or post in another language, I get frustrated. Glad your learning English.Would you kindly tell me the translation of what you said if you can-please. I’m sure like you it frustrates you with English as it does with me seeing another language. Good Luck. You seem like a nice person do you have any blog sites or sites?
It’s ok, it happens all the time. My husband helps me translate.
It says in my comment, how funny the cat looks modeling. All my sites are on my blog Widgets.
Ah don’t worry she didn’t mean it like that! x
My kitties love those purple worms Nubia. Pepper particularly enjoys attacking them.
🙂 oh does that mean you also had one of these boxes? ^^
Yes, I had the Christmas box they did. Gifts for myself, and my kitties too of course. – We were very happy with it. ?
😀 Kim does a wonderful job
Reblogged this on Rattiesforeverworldpresscom.
Thanks ^^
We are getting ready to move and Monkey loves to get in all the packing materials.
Haha that does sound very familiar
NUBIA is the nicest Lila of the United Kingdom.
Awww thank you 🙂
Oh my goodness she is beautiful! What a great name!
🙂 thank you
purple rain, purple rain.
Hehe ?
Beautiful photos of Nubia <3
🙂 thank you
Nubia, you look so beautiful in purple! ?
Black and purple are a combination made in heaven. 🙂
Thanks for the translation and understanding. I checked out your site Greecetopia and followed it. Thanks Again.
It’s not allowing me to get onto the page to subscribe but I really want to. Can anyone please help me?
Hello I LOVE PETS, I hope this link helps you. Try going to https://katzenworld.co.uk/wp and that will take you to the page. Across the top of the page there are different places you can go. It should be Newsletter should be somewhere toward the middle. Let me know if this helps. If it doesn’t, ask Marc. GOOD LUCK. By the way I LOVE PETS, what is your link to your website(s)?
Look up Tula and Momar WordPress blog on the internet and it should come up. Thanks!
I’m following you now. Thanks.
Your welcome
Thanks for the advice 🙂 and yes let me know if you need further help.
I hope I helped I LOVE PETS AND SOME OTHERS. Personally, I think the Katzenworld Newsletter is a good thing to sign up for as well as the Katzenworld Forum. I hope putting the link out there will bring more people and hope it was OK. Found the link on Google and tried it out before giving it out.
Thanks for the praise 🙂
I try to give credit where credit is due. I hope I LOVE PETS wasn’t to upset. Didn’t mean to upset I Love PETS.
I was able to sign up for the newsletter in the end, and no, you did not upset me.
Good. All I wanted to do is remind you.
Okay, thanks!
I mean to the newsletter
I left the the link for the newsletter. Just look across the page and it should say newsletter. This will take you there.
Your Welcome
Ah the newsletter. What err
Huh? Err?
Oh. That’s weird. Must have been a mistake.
I don’t see my pets on TRT. Can you add them for me please?
Hiya! It takes me a few weeks to sort the TRTs as I pre schedule about four of them due to the amount of entries. Apologies.
Okay, just wanted to check. It’s okay. I totally understand.
No problem. :). Will probably feature in the June TRTs!
Okay, thanks!
You are welcome 🙂
Are pet rats allowed? If so, I could enter a few photos of mine. I have two names Graham Cracker and Oreo Cookie.
I like those names. :D. And sure send them in and Ilse review once I’m back.
Okay, thanks!
I’ll have them ready to go and sent to you by Friday. Thanks!
Thanks 🙂
Change of schedule so I’ll have to give them to you this weekend. Sorry about that.
No problem. I’m away in Japan right now anyway. 😮
Oh, okay. That sounds super fun! Hope you’re having a good time!
We are indeed 🙂
I don’t think the rats want to be on TRT. I’ll send you the photos if I ever get them though. Do you accept one photo of both rats? I may have that available.
Also, I see your new post but the link for the video won’t work for me. Can you please give me the link that I can copy onto my webs browser? Thanks!
The video should be playing directly on the blog? I’ll try and get the URL when we are back in the UK.
One photo of two is fine. 🙂
Okay. I’ll send it that photo for you.
Ta 🙂
Okay! Great! Thanks!
What’s the email again?
Okay, thanks!
I’ll send the photo to you tomorrow or the next. Does that sound good?
Sounds good
Did you get my email?
Ah maybe not. Can you resend it please.
Okay, I did it yesterday.
Got it
Okay, great!
Did you get my pics?
Yes. Sorry it’s been busy
Hi Marc! Can you please send me the link for this weeks TRT? I forgot to look at it. Thanks so much!!
Hiya. Apologies only just seen this. https://katzenworld.co.uk/2017/06/13/happy-trt-tummy-rub-tuesday-week-150/
Okay, great, thanks!
Here it is. 🙂 https://katzenworld.co.uk/2017/06/13/happy-trt-tummy-rub-tuesday-week-150/
Hey Marc! I checked out TRT and I don’t see my pets. Sorry if I’m making you frustrated… Thanks so much for helping me out and being patient with me!
Oh? I’m sure your two puppies are towards the end of that post I put the link in for?
And don’t worry! Happy to help. 🙂
Nope, I didn’t see them. Strange
In the link? Is it not on the WordPress app? The TRT post has them on their, right?
The TRT post should have them in it yes. They show for me which is odd
Okay, thanks!
I found their photos! Thank you so much Marc!!! I super duper really appreciate it!! Thanks so much!
No problem at all! The others will go up soon. 🙂
Okay, great! Thanks so much!!
No problem
Hi Marc! Sorry to bother you but I’m wondering if you posted the TRT with my rats on it? It got to late and we went out to see fireworks and I totally forgot to check. Sorry about that. Thanks!
Hmmmm it makes me wonder now which TRT post I put that in. Can you resend me the pic so I can search for the image URL? 🙂
Sent you email with photo in it
Got it. Will find out shortly.
Okay, great, thanks Marc!
Hi Marc! Not meaning to bother you but I’m wondering if you got the link yet. Thanks!
Sorry I think it’s not gone live yet actually. I’ll find out shortly.
Okay. That’s what started happening to my posts to. I think the site is just a slow loader. It’s quite strange.
btw there is an issue atm with our posts not showing up in the WordPress reader so you might have to manually come and visit us. 🙁
Okay. I think the app does have a few problems. Maybe the app just needs to be updated.
Can you let me know if our latest posts show for you in the reader app in your followed blogs? WordPress support asked for example users that can’t see our posts.
Do you know what week number it was? I’m on the app but I don’t see it. What turned out happening to me was it was publishing my posts privately. It means that it wasn’t publishing them on the live feed but just on the blog it’s self. It’s quite strange and complicated.
We’ve been posting twice a day mornings and evenings. Do you see any of our posts in your reader app?
Yes. I see the posts. It’s just that I messed up and forgot to check my WordPress account after the fireworks on Fourth of July and I wasn’t able to see my rats on the TRT post but that’s all that I didn’t see. There was no issue with the app there. It was just because I forgot to look at my app. But, yes, I do see all of your posts except that one on your blog or the feed.
Hopefully it all fixes itself soon
Sorry if there was a mis-communication. I just wanted to let you know. I think I’m gonna try to get in touch with the WordPress team as well since this is so confusing and annoying about this crazy app. Ugh… 😐
Thanks. The more people inquire the better
Okay, great! I sent you the email. Let me know if you got it. Thanks!
Never mind. I already have it.
I want to make the bed for Momar since he’s a Chihuahua.
I’m sure he’d love it. 🙂
Yes, indeed he will. We have another little cat bed for him right now but I’m sure he’d like another one.
Never mind that last message.
Error do you get if any?
No error. It was a mistake. Whoops.
I LOVE PETS , did you get signed up for the Katzenworld Newsletter OK?
Not yet but will as soon as I can.
Haven’t done it yet.
You need to
I don’t have enough time yet. Please stop telling me and asking me. Go to my blog and look at my about page. I’m very young so please stop.
I wasn’t trying to be mean or anything but rather just trying to give you a heads up. Tula and Momar
Knocking down those evil purple worms does look like a lot of fun.
Hehe 😀 Nubia certainly thinks so.
Nubia, you sure are a beautiful model. And those purple worms look like lots of fun!
🙂 she says thanks
I have a box of this stuff on the floor for the cats to play with. Actually, now that I think of it, I have two. One is a little gift box full of the stuff, the other one is a much bigger box. We find it all over the house. I like it because it is good entertainment for the cats! Ours isn’t purple.
Yeah it keeps them busy for days and weeks haha
Your Majesty, those are some pawsome looking purple worms! I bet you put the rogue ones back into form! I haven’t played with worms like that before. I bet they are fun to play with. You take such stunning pictures! Winks!
😀 thanks so much and if you’d ever like to do a guest post for us just let us know
I LOVE PETS, you’ll love it. You might want to consider the signing up for the Katzenworld Forum. I did and just love it. Hope To See You There.
I LOVE PETS, I was just trying to encourage you not pester you. I have gone to your site and like it so far.
Sorry about all that confusion Daisymae. I’m just very young and something I just take things in the wrong way. Sorry about that confusion.