Cat Travel: Maison de Moggy – Feed us now!

Hi everyone,

As with any cat cafe the resident cats often start to figure out where their food comes from. Which can lead to cute scenes such as the ones we are sharing with you all today. 😀


Right! I certainly wouldn’t want to get in the way of them and their food…


… they mean serious business as they are trying to stare holes in the door! 😉


Let’s hope this one didn’t just eat an unsuspecting tourist or we might be in trouble… :O

I hope you enjoyed todays post and are looking forward to finding out more about the other cats that live at Maison de Moggy. 😀

Missed our initial post? This can be found here.

To find out more about Maison de Moggy visit their website or Facebook page. Already made up your mind? You can book a slot here!

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15 thoughts on “Cat Travel: Maison de Moggy – Feed us now!

  1. RoseyToesSews says:

    Beautiful kitties. 😀 Cat cafes must be great places to visit, particularly if you are away from your own kitties. It’s lovely that they’re opening in the UK now 😀

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