Charity Mews: Abandoned Young Mummy Cat Finds her Fairy Tale Ending

Hi everyone,

Today we have another story from our friends over at the Mayhew Animal Home.

Please do share with everyone to highlight the importance of neutering your cat and of course to watch out for poor abandoned and stray cats and kittens at this cold time of the year that might be in need of our support!


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Abandoned Young Mummy Cat Finds her Fairy Tale Ending

A young pregnant mummy cat, who gave birth in a tool shed, is finally on her way to finding happiness thanks to The Mayhew Animal Home.

The one-year-old cat, named Mimi, was found abandoned and giving birth by a member of the public in North London.

The kind resident, Elizabeth Chrysanthou, couldn’t believe it when she discovered the calico cat in her husband’s shed.

Elizabeth said: “As I was taking out the rubbish, I noticed my cat, Maxi, standing on full alert close to the shed at the bottom of our garden. The shed door was slightly ajar, which I didn’t think anything of, until Maxi started grumbling and growling.”

“I immediately thought my neighbour’s cat, Diesel, must have wandered in again and got herself trapped. As I opened the shed door wide to allow her a quick escape, I couldn’t believe what I discovered instead.”

“Under my husband’s makeshift desk on an old rug, five little furry balls were shivering close to mummy cat, Mimi, who was licking her last kitten. She looked so scared and worried. Straight away I knew I couldn’t leave them there, so I decided to move them all into the house for the night. I closed the door in fear of Maxi going inside and went rummaging through my home looking for something suitable to keep them in.”

“I had an old, big cardboard box that I placed bathroom mats and towels at the bottom of to make sure mum and her babies were comfortable.”

“Half of me was anxious to try and keep the babies as warm as possible and the other half of me was in fear of what the terrified mum would do to me if I touched her precious litter. Thankfully I managed to get the new family into the house and up into my bedroom without any fuss.”

As soon as Elizabeth told her husband what had happened, he knocked on neighbours’ doors and searched the local area for lost posters, but had no luck.

Elizabeth said: “We didn’t know what to do next. One of our neighbours popped over to see the kittens and suggested we call The Mayhew Animal Home for help and advice.”

After they called The Mayhew, our Cat Welfare Coordinator, Georgina Disney, collected Mimi and her kittens and took them back to our Home, where our Cattery staff immediately settled her and her litter into a warm and comfortable cat cabin and our Vet Team gave them all a thorough health check.

Sadly one of her kittens passed away shortly after arriving at The Mayhew and could not be revived by our Vet Team. Thankfully, Mimi’s other kittens, one female and four males named after Beauty and the Beast characters; Belle, Maurice, Lumière, Chip, and Beast, were all healthy and happy.

Elizabeth added: “I am truly thankful to Georgina; she was kind, understanding, sympathetic and most importantly gentle and humane when handling Mimi and her babies. I felt at ease, trusting Georgina completely.”

“I’m so pleased I found Mimi and her kittens that night. Me and my husband have become quite attached to Mimi, so much so that we’ve decided to adopt her and give her a new home she truly deserves.”

The Mayhew’s Cat Welfare Coordinator, Georgina Disney, said: “Mimi is such a sweet cat; we can’t imagine how worrying it must have been for her trying to find a safe place to give birth.”

“Soon after arriving at The Mayhew, we managed to find Mimi and her kittens a foster home for a few weeks. With advice, information, food and other cat supplies, the foster carer was more than happy to look after them.”

“It was important that they all stayed together, so the kittens could receive the proper nutrients from their mum’s milk, which is essential for keeping them healthy and for their growth.”

“We are very grateful to Elizabeth for finding them and contacting The Mayhew and for our foster carer for stepping in to care for them during this crucial time. Without their help, Mimi would most likely have had to raise her kittens on the streets and we can’t imagine how terrifying that would have been for them.”

Once Belle, Maurice, Lumière, Chip, and Beast are old enough and have been neutered, they will be available to find their purrfect home and fairy tale ending.

The Mayhew’s Vet Team give all of the kittens that come into our care a thorough health check, including vaccinating, neutering and treat them for fleas and worms. Our experienced Cattery Team spend hours socialising them, feeding them and making them comfortable and our Adoption Team work tirelessly to find them new forever homes.

This Mother’s Day, we celebrated all the mums in the world from animal mums like Mimi, to foster mums and adoptive mums, who are truly one in a million.

Find out more about our work by visiting and please consider a donation to help us rescue and care for more animals like Mimi. You can make an instant donation by texting “CATS27 £5” or your chosen amount (up to £10) to 70070, or by donating on our website at

If you are interested in adopting a cat in our care, please visit  or call 020 8962 8009.

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31 thoughts on “Charity Mews: Abandoned Young Mummy Cat Finds her Fairy Tale Ending

  1. Suze says:

    I know these poor creatures are abandoned every single day..but I can not wrap my mind around the type of person who abandons them. At one point in our lives my husband and I cared for twenty-three cats/kittens…getting them vet care, a decent shelter, good food and enough loving so they would be used to and unafraid of humans. So glad to know there are places like this in other countries too. It helps restore my faith in humanity.

  2. Pingback: New post from Marc…a furytail ending and furever homes. – Reflections ~ by Exodus House Ministries

  3. reflectionsbyexodushouseministries says:

    I am a foster mom for the local shelter too! I love helping the little ones find their furever homes..and since I have cats of my own…I can teach them socializing skills too. I am a strong advocate of the spay/neuter programs here in U S A. Thanks for the post Marc. I brightened my day…I put it onmy facebook and blog spot too! 😀

  4. crystaleagle24 says:

    Lucky for Mimi she found a place to give birth where kind humans were alerted to her presence. Glad she and her little family are safe now.

  5. zodiacimmortal says:

    Wish I could have that one with the black and orange head. I hope a couple if then can stay together…I wouldn’t want to break up siblings.
    Did the foster thing 2-3x kept one of the cats. (If I had my own house.. Id gave a cat sanctuary)

  6. felineopines says:

    A fantastic story and I am so thankful that Mimi already has a forever home to go to when her kittens are weaned and adopted. All these wonderful people working together for this little mamma cat and her kittens and let’s not forget the foster folks who will care for Mimi and her kittens until they are weaned. Fostering is wonderful and so important. I don’t know what the law is in the UK but here in the US, fostering expenses are tax deductible!

  7. Lavinia Ross says:

    A beautiful cat family and a happy ending. I am saddened by the little one that did not make it though. Mother cats wandering in an having kittens here has happened to us twice now. They seem to know when they are in friendly territory.

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