Nubia: Merry Christmas with 4Cats Gingerbread man Giveaway

Hi everyone,

Today we are back with another quick look at Valerian toys made by 4Cats.

Valerian root is a great alternative for us cats as it works similar to catnip but is so much more benefical for us. 😀

Nubia and 4cats toy

Nubia: If I hide my gingerbread man underneath me do you think Oliver will forget that I’ve snatched one up? 😀


Oliver: NO chance! I can smell the tasty valerian…

Nubia: Ah yes the one downside to valerian not all humans LOVE it’s smell as much as us katz do. But come on… if we like it surely you will tolerate it right? 😀


Nubia: We have a number of sets of these valerian cat toys left on our online shop and if you are quick your cats might get them in time for XMAS!

Oliver: Also we have got a purrtastic chance to win one of the ginger bread man in our GIVEAWAY! All you’ve got to do for it is head over to the new Katzenworld Forum and leave a comment in the gingerbread man valerian toy giveaway thread. 😀

Nubia: But be QUICK! Giveaway ends on the 20th of December so you’ve only got a few days left to enter.

Nubia: This shall be ALL mine!!!! <3

Signed by,

Her Meowjesty Queen Nubia the Disturber of Peace
His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief


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26 thoughts on “Nubia: Merry Christmas with 4Cats Gingerbread man Giveaway

    • Marc-André says:

      Ah apologies you didn’t win this time around. 🙁

      I’ve created a special 20% discount code on all Christmas toys for our blog shop tho. 😀 katzenworldchristmas

  1. suzi moore says:

    my cat Pickles loves Valerian and as i have no sense of smell she can have as much as she likes around the house

  2. Elaine P says:

    The picture of Nubia with the gingerbread man is so cute. Nubia looks like a very contented cat. I wish my sons cat, Lula, was contented instead of a mad cat. For this reason I would love to be able to present her with a gingerbread man for Christmas.

    • Marc-André says:

      Apologies you didn’t win this time around but I’m sure we will have many more giveaways. 🙂

      Also I’ve added a 20% discount to the blog shop katzenworldchristmas for all Christmas toys.

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