There is only one poisonous snake in Sweden. It is the common European viper (Vipera berus) and it is not really very poisonous. It is quite wide spread through Sweden and there are approximately 1300 reported bites (on humans) per year. There is however almost no human fatalities from this snake and we can consider Sweden a safe country with regards to snake human interactions.

Our cat Kwagga is a very active hunter. She is also known to live dangerously and “died” in December only to return 2 weeks later starved and close to being really dead (read the tale here). We were not surprised to find her with a non-poisonous grass-snake (Natrix natrix) a while ago. We tried to discourage her to catch snakes and took the snake away from her (releasing it into the fields while keeping her indoors for a while).

This did not work.
On a Saturday (when the vet is closed), she went out hunting and came back mid morning. Carina saw that she was sitting a bit strange and on closer inspection Kwagga informed us, with unhappy growling, that she was not feeling well. At this stage we did not know what was wrong but after approximately 30 minutes it was clear from her swollen foot that something bit her on the leg. We phoned the vet (the emergency vet), and after describing all the symptoms she told us that it is likely that it was a snake and that we should bring Kwagga for some treatment.
The main treatment for cats is fluid and Kwagga got a drip to increase her fluid intake and painkillers. Some tests for liver and kidney damage were performed and everything seemed to be fine (follow-up tests will be done in a few weeks).

After a few days kept indoors Kwagga seemed fully recovered and are out and about again searching for the next adrenaline rush – a patch of missing fur, where the blood was drawn, the only reminder of her adventure with a snake.

Sorry to hear of Kwagga’s wound and pleased to hear she had enough remaining lives to survive. We went through something similar with our cat, Jade, while living on Okinawa. She encountered a couple habus and returned with wounds. Fortunately, they’d struck her head. Fortunately, too, the treatment was prednisone, and she was already on pred for her asthma and breathing issues. Being as determined as she was, Jade lived on another eighteen years after her snake encounter.
That’s a beautiful fur friend you have. Cheers, M
Good heavens! She is lucky to be alive! With her penchant for living in the ‘fast lane’ I don’t recommend any trips to more dangerous places.
Glad Kwagga is better. Perhaps this will discourage her from snakes in the future.
Glad she is okay and no long lasting effects from the snake bite.
Oh, beautiful Kwagga! So glad she is OK. She looks like a young version of our 15-year-old Eddie, right down to the little tuft of white fur on her chest. He is also a valiant hunter; good luck on Kwagga’s future conquests!
So pleased Kwagga recovered!
Glad you could post “Almost Died” My catz almost die all the time. I think they get locked into; basements, garages, empty houses, and such. Discourage a CAT? Surely you jest? ~~dru~~
so glad Kwagga is better 🙂
Good grief…just stop that Kwagga. Snakes are yucky anyway…mice are much softer.
Poor kitty, I am glad he is OK.
Poor thing! Kitty’s like this will give us gray hair as we worry about them.
This is uncanny. Kwagga looks exactly like my darling Lola who was also quite the hunter in her youth.
The same bright eyes and the very same
little tufts of white hair on the chest. I miss her so.
All the very best Kwagga!
She’s beautiful – I love black cats. That is one cat, however, who I would require to live only indoors. She has proven herself to be a fool around snakes. It’s not worth the risk with such a lovely pet.
It does seem like cats manage to become very ill when the vets office is closed. Kwagga looks like such a sweet kitty.
Luckily no chance of finding a snake in our garden here in Riga, Latvia. Our adopted cat Sid is usually into everything and anything so if we had snakes around we would be quite worried. Glad Kwagga is alright and Sid sends his sincerest meows to her.
aw… poor thing… hopefully everything turns out fine
glad to hear that Kwagga is purrfect again <3
OMG. That must have been so scary
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