Keeping Cats Cool this Summer! Part 2

Hi everyone,

Our friends on Twitter pointed out this very useful multi part infographic from Cats Protection!

Today we are back for Part 2 of the infographic! If you’ve missed part 1 don’t forget to check this out here.


Bit thanks goes to Time 4 Pets, our local pet shop for higlighting this infographic for us. 🙂

More tips can also be found on the Cats Protection Meow blog.

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15 thoughts on “Keeping Cats Cool this Summer! Part 2

  1. meowmeowmans says:

    Terrific tips. We have a water bowl by the food dishes, but a fountain in the other room. Gracie and Zoe like the fountain the best.

  2. Pingback: Happy Anniversary to Me – The Wine Cat

  3. awarmhello says:

    Do you know why the water bowl should be placed away from the food bowl? To me, it always made sense to put them close to each other.Why is it better not to? THANKS!

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