Hi everyone,
Today’s guest post comes from our friends Michelle and Diavolo who have been lucky enough to win one of our previous competitions. 🙂 For those that missed his original feature you can also find this here.
Diavolo’s New Toy
Last year Diavolo had won a leather eared card-board mouse from a contest we had entered here on Katzenworld. This is from a lovely lady who makes these creations in Yorksire, UK.
Diavolo wants to know what’s in this package since it’s addressed to him too!
Sorry it’s a little fuzzy….container in one hand and the camera in the other.
International shipping from the UK!
Diavolo is becoming a little impatient.
Well, you have thumbs….open the package!
Oh, yummy….shredded paper….my favorite!
He’s moving way too fast for my camera….even on the pet portrait setting.
Has someone not noticed the cardboard mouse?
Yay! More shredded paper.
I have to see what it tastes like.
Diavolo says “Me….feet in the air….celebrating Tummy Rub Tuesday and my new mouse!”
Thank you for reading their story which was originally posted here and don’t forget to email us if you’d like to have your own story featured.
Also if you’d like to get this toy for your own kitties you can get these from Charley and Billie.
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in love with this laziness
Lovely pictures
Thank you ^^
Wishing you many hours of enjoyment, Diavolo. ?
you can never have too many toy mice.
<3 <3 <3
So cute and such a gorgeous cat.
Thank you ^^
You are welcome.
Cuteness overloaded..:)
Beautiful Diavolo! (Not that I’m partial to black cats.)
Thank you ^^
Thanks everyone. He is indeed a lovely boy…all 15 lbs of him. And he’s still in love with that cardboard mouse.
Michelle and Diavolo
That looks like a fun toy.
We have two as well. 🙂