Oliver & Nubia: Can you see me?

Does your cat like to hide in the most random objects around?

Nubia is known for sneaking under paper so it’s no surprise that a mountain of green and orange paper attracted her. 😉

It is even funnier when Oliver decides he needs to search for his sister!


Nubia: Perfectly hidden! No one will be able to see me. 😮


Nubia: Did I hear my silly brother? *hides quickly under the paper again*


Oliver: I can see you…

Nubia: NO! I am not here! 😮

Oliver: Your paw is sticking out…


Nubia: Oooops… I guess you found me in that case. 😮

Oliver: I sure did Noobsey!

Nubia: Meany. 🙁

P.S: Don’t forget to sign up for our Newsletter. 😮

Signed by

His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief


Her Meowjesty Queen Nubzilla the Disturber of Peace


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42 thoughts on “Oliver & Nubia: Can you see me?

  1. crystaleagle24 says:

    MM would try and hide under the newspaper, if I was lying on the floor to read it. Seemed to think I wouldn’t realise it was her when the flat paper suddenly became domed and unreadable. She also liked sitting on the window sill behind the curtains.

  2. DaisyWillows says:

    Tatiana has a bucket full of toys but wrapping paper , boxes and bags are her favourite toys. She is always knocking things off the table so I can’t find what I really need. hahaha. Love cats.

    • Marc-André says:

      Lol that’s very impressive. Oliver sometimes sneaks under the bed covers and lies on his back with such the tip of his nose sticking out. He learned that otherwise it gets too hot and not enough oxygen 😉

  3. grannyK says:

    Cats are so fun to watch! I love how they can have such a playful spirit. We have one kitten that loves to hide and another that rarely does. Love this post!

  4. bernard25 says:

    Un grand bonjour en ce dimanche

    Chez moi celui-ci est pluvieux et bien gris
    Mon petit passage sur ton magnifique blog
    Pour embellir ta journée
    Ou les mots ne sont que douceur
    Quelques mots de bonheur
    Pour que ta journée soit de couleur
    Avec toute mon Amitié
    Je te souhaite une agréable journée

    En t’offrant cette rose en cadeau

    Bisous amicales Bernard

  5. artseafartsea says:

    This reminded me of when my cat Merlin used to hide behind the shower curtain and I would go into the bathroom and say, “I wonder where Merlin is”? Then he would jump out and run. It was a game we both loved. 🙂

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