Hi everyone,
Today’s guest post comes from Diane:
Whether you consider yourself a cat person or a dog person, you can’t deny that cats are really interesting creatures.
You know that saying that fact is stranger than fiction? Well, when it comes to cats, that’s actually true.
- Did you know that cats purr not only when they are happy but also in order to ease their tension? They learn this skill from their mother, who purrs as they nurse. For cats, purring is a way of stimulating “happy hormones”, which make a cat feel better. That’s why sometimes your cat might purr even when in pain. So if you see your cat purring, don’t be too sure it’s only out of joy.
- Cats are among the top sleepers in the animal kingdom, and for good reason. Did you know that cats sleep 16 to 18 hours per day. However, when cats are asleep, they are still alert to incoming stimuli, so that’s why if you poke your cat while sleeping, it will still respond accordingly. So basically, cats spend 75% of their lives sleeping. By the time a cat is 9 years old, it will only have been awake for 3 years of their life.
- Did you know that cats have a third eyelid, which is called a palpebra tertia, also known as “haw”? This third eyelid provides an extra layer of eye protection, not only for cats but for other animals also. However, it might not always be visible and if you notice that one of you cat’s third eyelids is covering one eye more than the other, your cat has probably injured that eye and you should go see a vet.
- It might not be true that a cat has 9 lives but they surely know how to survive in this one. Did you know that some cats have actually survived falls of over 65 feet, or 20 meters? You’ve probably noticed that cats land on their feet most of the time, thanks to their righting reflex, which begins to appear at 3-4 weeks of age and is perfect by the time they are 6-7 weeks.
- And just to prove that cats are just as awesome as dogs, maybe even more, did you know that a cat’s hearing is better than a dog’s? Even more, a cat can actually hear high-frequency sounds up to two octaves higher than a human being, so they’re basically more awesome than us.
So, these were 5 interesting and weird facts about cats that you probably didn’t know, but of course there are many more so if you are curious you should look it up. Also, a bonus fact for all cats lovers out here, did you know that a cat lover is called an ailurophilia?
About the author
Diane is a cat lover (or an ailurophilia if you have paid attention to the article) which tries to provide useful information to cat lovers on especially how to train their cats to use automatic litter boxes on her website at CatLitterBox.Reviews.
We hope you enjoyed her article and don’t forget to subscribe to our Newsletter!
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Oh that sound so cute, Marc: I’m an ailurophilia from the hairs to the feet!
When a cat has worms, the palpebra tertia, covers up (from the center) a part of the eye. When we collected the stray cats to get them neutered and cured, most of them had this evident problem.
I wish you a lovely day :-)claudine
I knew they were more awesome than us!:)
Hehe ^^
I did wonder why my Otis Purred when we got him micro-chipped! He still purrs for the vet when he goes for his regular heart check ups (he has a murmur)… poor kitty!
Yeah it’s one of the not so well known facts!
Glad to know my cats can hear a million times better than I do. Makes up for my deafness (they alert me if someone’s on the door etc etc, LOL)
Lol that’s like mine. I never hear the postman knock because he is a sneaky I don’t like giving you parcels kinda person ;o but the cats hear it for me haha!
Possibly that’s why they are alwasys waiting for you at your front door or the gate…they can most likely recognise your ‘step’ from a great distance!
Yeah! I’m sure they can 🙂
Ailurophilia here I love my furry baby! What an interesting read. I did not know that about the purring!
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed our guest post. 🙂
I am a critter person who is partial to cats. But I have a dog and a bird as well.
😀 thank you Susan. We are glad to have you around. ^^
I like this. The more information I have about my cats, the better. 🙂
Thank you 🙂
Heh, great facts. Cat’s are such interesting creatures.
They are indeed ^*
Cats are indeed an amazing group.
So they are 🙂
The purring was a new one I hadn’t heard of before!
🙂 not everyone has heard about that one.
Yeh, me too! I’d liken it to us chanting Om, or singing, to get the ‘good vibrations’ goin’ when we feel fear of some kind! Singing and chanting vibrate the body and are known for their beneficial health benefits! I’ll keep singing till the day I die! 🙂
Very true! Music therapy for the win 🙂
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Always knew they were awesome and they do not mind letting me and the dog know it
I can’t guess how they measure it but supposedly cats have a superb short-term memory, 16 hours vs 5 minutes for dogs (and about 90 seconds for me some times). So cats really do remember the things we teach them – they just don’t care!
There is a surprise 😉 but isn’t that why we love them so much. 🙂
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Thank you once again ^^
Neat stuff, thanks. =^..^ =
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Fantastic facts!! I always look forward to your posts. Especially now I have two kittens!!! TWO! One walked into my home and the other was adopted recently at SPCA.
Thank you Kally 🙂 and if you’d like to write a guest story about your two please do let me know. ^^ can slot them in on a Saturday 😀
Really?? I would love to write an article on how we integrate them together. Now they are loving buddies, and brothers-in-crime. If you like the idea, we can chat via email at kally@MiddleMe.net
Sounds good 🙂 mine is marc@katzenworld.co.uk will email later ^^
Looking forward!!
Got sucked into too much work today! And just tried to click on your email to send you one from my phone but it’s acting funny xD would you mind dropping me the initial email haha
By the way, I was a dog person until Sunny and Matcha converted me into Cat and Dog person. Lol!
One of my sisters has a dog. 🙂 a bit too energetic for me but adorable in moderation lol. It’s a Labrador so they have far too much energy xD
Big dogs needs a lot of exercise and a lot more space. I can so see his wagging tail swiping everything off the coffee table. Haha!!
Oh yes that’s exactly what happens lol
Glad to know these hidden cat facts, so interesting!