Hi guys,
So my humans got this parcel from Germany! 😀
You wonder what is inside? Well MEEEEEEE I got rid of all the junk to fit in it (There were no cat treats in this one! How dare them! </3)
I just love the yellow packages that “Deutsche Post” uses tho! *purr*
Signed by,
His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
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So, was war drin? Wurscht darf man ja nicht eben so versenden, Süßigkeiten? Bücher? Teezucker? BROT??
Brettspiel, süßigten und haltbare grünkohl würstchen. 🙂 (innerhalb der EU isind würstchen sogar ok ^^)
Brettspiele werden auch gern GERMAN games genannt in GB 😉 Oder german board games … Ich nehme an, weil wir einfach ein paar mehr von den Dingern basteln.
Haha ja :). es war die neueste Carcassonne edition ^^
Seems like you won hands down KO – who needs kitteh treats when such a handsome box lands at your door? 😉
Haha. Yep i think he agrees with you on that ^^
WHAT? No treats, no nip, no..nothing… Well, at least you have a new box 🙂 Pawkisses for a Happy Day 🙂 <3
Ha, adorable!
Thank you 🙂
An empty box that’s filled with furry fun!
😀 indeed
sorry there are no treats! it is a nice box tho! purrs to mew
What a great box, Oliver!
He was so upset when i put ut away. XD
Just as long as no one actually attempted to send a cat in the mail!
Now that’s a cute parcel. 🙂
Yep. He did try to eat my presents though ;). Didnt get that human sweets are not kitty sweets lol
Wow, your own box!! Nothing better than an empty smelly box….I like to try and fit in them. Even when there is no chance of fitting.
Have a great day my pal.
I had to confiscate the box in the end! He got to possive about it and his sister was desperate to get in too. 😉
well there were no treats to eat.. but there was a nice treat to lay in
You got the best : an empty smelly box ! Purrs
Hehe =)
Concatulations Oliver!!??