Hi friends and followers!
You know it is a happy day when it is TUMMY RUB TUESDAY TIME! 😀
Please share this wonderful day with your friends and let us get more entries for next week when ever before. 🙂
(To find out how to enter your own cats please scroll down to the bottom of the post or to make it easier for you leave a comment with a link to your photo!)
This weeks entries:
This beautiful cat is a somewhat regular visitor of Sim Antics and the full photo collection can be found here.
And meet The Oreo Cat who officially started TRT! Please visit him on Facebook here.
The Thug who apparently loves sleeping in empty wine boxes (very grateful for the habit of his pet human 😉 ) …
…and Minx have been send in via email by Yvonne!
The following three cats were submitted to us on our Facebook page! 🙂
This is Tequila she lives with his pet human Susan! 😀
And this beautiful tummy cat was submitted to us by Mike.
And this one was submitted by Patricia. 🙂
And in case you missed last weeks entries please find them below! 😀
Mr. Tubs
And Sammie have joined us from Saving Sammie whom you can visit here. 🙂
TomTom and…
Journey have joined us from Claude West’s Blog tipsaboutcats.com
This “little” fluffy tummy joins us from adamslittlesunshine and you can find many more cute photos here!
And meet Spyro from Thoughts by Mello-Elo whom you can visit here.
And meet Iza from Mark’s Mews and you can find many many more cute tummy shots here.
Errol Flynn and..
Merlin! Their pet human is Danielle who kindly send in their photos via email.
And meet Gizmo who was sent in via email by Mary!
And last for this week was send in by Nina on Twitter:
Now we need ALL of you! You want to see your cat featured and join our fun blog roll? Follow the steps below. 😀
All you need to do is post a photo or photo story of your furfriend on your own Blog and add your link onto our linky app by clicking on the below photo or by clicking here or by leaving a comment with a link back to your post.
Should you not have an own Blog you can even participate by sending us an email with your photo to info@katzenworld.co.uk – just let us know what you would like to have listed as source! 🙂
And to make it fair your cat photos don’t have to be a tummy shot we do understand that not all cats like showing off their belly! So any fun photo story will be fine but tummy ones will be even better 😀
And on next weeks #TRT we will be posting photos with links back to all you guys in the weekly Tummy Rub Tuesday post!!!
Lil Miss Nubia would like to say thanks:
And not to forget Oliver! with his famous TRT video! 😀
For once again entering our #TRT. 🙂
So many tummies, so little time! (Mike’s submission is my favorite…!)
I am voting for ALL of the cats this week. They each deserve a vote! They are all so sweet and beautiful. I cannot choose just one.
Same for me ~
All of the cats are so beautiful and special, there is no way to choose just ONE to vote for (and there is the upside down dog too). So I am voting for every tummy and special animal who entered! I hope that is okay, but I am not choosing one animal over the other. They all have something “special” that deserves recognition!! JMHO <3 and lots of love! ~Sheryl (Lawjic on WordPress)
Since when are you moderating? BLAH!
What =o?
Haha. That’s perfectly fine. 🙂
I know so many this time LOL
Mike’s kitty is my fave as there is sure abandonment there. Great shot.
Those tummies are just asking for a rubbin’.
Just be careful with Oliver’s 😉
Oh my gosh! So adorable!