Shadows on play land.
Cats in reverie reaching
to follow their light.
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Shadows on play land.
Cats in reverie reaching
to follow their light.
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Reblogged this on Linda's wildlife garden and commented:
Awesome and thank you for sharing have a blessed day
Thank you! 🙂
I cannot BELIEVE all the wonderful things Oli and Nubia have. Ms. Cali is very jealous…..she wants all those neat things you have, Marc!! And, I didn’t realize until NOT that Oliver is almost all black, expect on his adorable CAT FACE!! :-))) Love it!!
Haha. Yeah Oli has a lot of black ^^ but the adorable white belly and neck plus face. :). He does look like a lil burglar sometimes LoL
All of those toys and they are lying back relaxing!
Yep LOL. It was one of those guys come on play with it!!! Moments xD
Like the haiku, and the image is one that evokes my cats in similar circumstances. It’s a happy moment!
Thank you :)!
Nice pix…
Thank you. 🙂
Man alive those Cats are lucky. CHeck out there Beds and play things.
Haha. Yeah we do spoil them quite a bit xD
I was struck by Oliver’s face looking up at the cameraman. He was looking up lovingly at his “light.” (Reaching his neck around to follow his light. 🙂
This is what humans want to achieve. But you have to know how to listen. Maybe cat’s know this a lot better? 🙂
Very possible! 🙂