Interview: Cat Chat with Caren & Cody!

Hi everyone,

Today we have a special interview with our friend Caren from Cat Chat with Caren and Cody!

cody and I vet GOOD ONE

How long have you been running Cat Chat with Caren and Cody? 

I began Cat Chat With Caren and Cody in October of 2009, but didn’t blog regularly until April 2010.

How did you discover your interest in becoming a Blogger?

I lost my job in 2007 due to company downsizing. I was incredibly depressed for 2 years after that. I had been used to working my entire life, and having no job and feeling as if I had no purpose was devastating. One day I went to see the movie “Julie and Julia” with my husband and I was like, “Hey! I can do that!!” A local newspaper had no cat blogs at all, I pitched the idea and they loved it!!! When I started, the newspaper owned my link,  (but I owned my content and had complete freedom with the blog), in the summer of 2013 I purchased my own link for the blog.

What are some of your favourite things about sharing a life and living space with a furry friend or two?

I bet you don’t know that I have a dog too! I have a Shetland Sheepdog named “Dakota”, he has a blog too! It’s called Dakota’s Den ( , but prior to getting Dakota in 2007, I had a cat named “Bobo” from 1989 until summer of 2007. I adopted Cody 2 weeks after Bobo passed at age 18.

I love having pets because they love unconditionally, they don’t judge, they make me laugh. They are cuddly and precious beings who give love freely.

I often prefer animals to people!

cody and dakota brothers

Have you ever tried your hand at home made cat food or treats? If not, would you?

No, not cat treats or cat food, but I have made dog cake bones that didn’t turn out very well. Lol.

Who is your favourite internet cat celebrity?

Hmmm…tough one! I would have to say Simon’s Cat (does that count since he is a cartoon? Lol)

Any tips you would give to first-time cat owners?

Cats need stimulation in their environment. They need cat trees, comfy sleeping spots, fun toys, they need playtime with their human!  PLEASE DO NOT DE-CLAW!! Cats ARE trainable!!  A cat, and all pets are a commitment for a LIFETIME! They aren’t disposable. They count on us to care for them responsibly and to love them, we should never take that for granted.

cody and purina game 2

What do you love the most about your cat companion?

One of my favorite things about Cody is that he is a cuddle bug and has been from the day I adopted him in 2007.

He will often “hold hands” when we watch TV, (he will literally reach out and take my hand with his paw!) If I fall asleep on the couch, he rests his paw on my head. He loves to be held. As I said above, he loves unconditionally (well, maybe part of it is for FOOD! Lol) He brings me more joy than I could ever imagine and he often makes me laugh. He and his brother are my world!

Thanks for interviewing me, hope your friends will visit our blog,  Facebook: and Twitter: @catchatcaren (


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Thanks and purrs from Cody & Caren,

cody headshot

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34 thoughts on “Interview: Cat Chat with Caren & Cody!

  1. pilch92 says:

    Very nice interview. I have only been blogging for a few months so I love reading interviews to learn about fellow bloggers.

  2. Brian says:

    We love Caren and Cody too and they are very special pals. We enjoyed your interview over at their place and just stopped by to drop off a howdy!

  3. Nat à Chat says:

    I’m a french cat who lives in the french riviera.
    I follow Caren and Cody’s blog.
    This is a great interview. Nice way to better know our internet friends.
    Lots of ronrons
    PS : I have a blog but … it’s in french !

  4. Marg says:

    FAntastic interview. Caren and Cody and Dakota are the best. She is a really good person and we love visiting her blog. Happy Sunday.

  5. angelswhisper2011 says:

    This was such a great interview. We love Cody, Dakota and their mum and it is always nice to learn a little more about them. I like to touch Granny too when she is asleep, it makes me feel one 🙂 Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend 🙂 <3

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