Overlooked moggy, whose care was supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery, has landed on his feet with his understanding new owner
Black-and-white moggy Hardy was one of the longest stay cats at Cats Protection’s Cornwall Adoption Centre until an adopter decided to take a chance on him.
Hardy had been in care for one year, almost to the day, when Mark Robinson saw him on the centre’s website and got in touch to arrange a visit.
The intelligent kitty was a firm favourite with the centre team, but his aversion to hands-on affection earned him the moniker ‘Hands-off Hardy’ and meant it took longer than normal to find his purr-fect home.
Operations Manager Libby Jepson said: “We absolutely loved Hardy at the centre. He was one of the most intelligent cats we’ve ever had in our care. He loved a fishing-rod toy and mastered all of our puzzle feeders, but he did not want to be cuddly in any way – that was simply not for him!
“Hardy really needed a special owner who was willing to work with our Behaviour team to help him settle in at his own pace, without expecting immediate direct interaction from him.”
Regional Behaviour Officer, Elin Williams, explained: “Hardy struggled with coming into care, so the centre contacted us in the Behaviour team for support. I gave them advice around managing his stress and frustration levels, which included adding in more hides and vertical space, giving him his food in puzzle feeders, and providing play opportunities that enabled him to express his innate hunting behaviours without accidentally hurting his carers.”
“As well as providing support for cats that are in Cats Protection’s care, our team offers six months of advice to all new adopters so people can contact us if their new feline friend shows any challenging behaviours in their new home. In this case, I also provided a settling in plan specific to Hardy, so he could put his best paw forwards in his new home.”
Happily for Hardy, Mark was more than happy to take on the challenge. With access to lots of outdoor space, outbuildings and caravans, he was able to provide an ideal setting to allow Hardy plenty of freedom to explore and expend his energy.
Hardy now spends his days following Mark to the greenhouse and workshop, visiting the caravans in the field, greeting anyone who comes onsite and enjoying a nice dust bath on the main driveway.
He also has a favourite chair, which no-one else is now allowed to use, and spends a few hours each evening asleep on Mark’s knee.
Libby added: “We’re so thrilled to see that Hardy has found his forever home with Mark. We’re so grateful that he came forward to offer him a second chance.
“I’d also like to thank players of People’s Postcode Lottery, who help us look after cats like Hardy, by supporting both our cat care costs at the centre and the work of our Behaviour team.”
Another cat currently seeking a more rural home is Rainbow, who has been in care for three months now. Rainbow finds a typical domestic home quite stressful, so would benefit from living somewhere with lots of outdoor space where she can do lots of exploring and interact with her human family members on her own terms.
If you’re in the Cornwall area and would like to consider adopting a feline friend, such as Rainbow, you can visit the Cornwall Adoption Centre’s website at www.cats.org.uk/cornwall or get in touch via cornwall@cats.org.uk or 01872 870 575.
Those living in other areas of the UK can find out more and see cats in need of homes in their area at www.cats.org.uk/adopt-a-cat
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