PDSA Saves Cat Trapped in Rabbit Snare: Calls for Nationwide Ban on Snares

Leading vet charity PDSA saved the life of a three-year-old cat who became trapped in a rabbit snare, leaving her with serious injuries.

CupCake, fondly known as C.C, was missing from her home in Canterbury for five days, leaving her loving owner, Karen Gunn, very concerned. When she came home, it was clear by how lethargic she was, there was something severely wrong.

Karen could see something caught on C.C. and immediately took her to PDSA’s out of hours provider, Vets Now in Herne Bay.

Once there, the vets made the horrific discovery that C.C was in fact, caught in a rabbit snare. A snare is a thin wire noose used as a method of wildlife management. When an animal steps into the trap, the noose tightens around them, trapping them in place.

The snare had wrapped so tightly around her waist it was hard to see buried underneath her fur. As C.C had struggled to get herself free, the snare cut deeper into her, causing deep and painful wounds – it was a miracle C.C was able to move, let alone struggle all the way home.

Luckily, thanks to Karen’s quick thinking and the treatment, which was funded by PDSA, the vets were able to save C.C’s life. The snare was very carefully removed and the wounds were cleaned, dressed and treated with antibiotics.

Karen said: “If C.C hadn’t managed to get herself home, I don’t bear to think about what would have happened to her – it’s possible she spent five whole days trapped in that snare, trying to wiggle herself free. We can’t thank PDSA enough for ensuring C.C got the treatment she needed for a full recovery.”

C.C needed regular check-ups at Margate PDSA Pet Clinic to monitor her wounds, to ensure they were clean and free from infection.

Karen added: “C.C’s wounds are now fully healed and she’s back on her paws again – she has a big scar and her fur is yet to fully grow back, but she’s a real fighter.”

PDSA Veterinary Surgeon, Lynne James, said: “We’re extremely pleased that Wales has committed to a full ban on all snares, as this is a great step for animal welfare in Wales, due to the suffering these devices cause to wild, farmed and companion animals. PDSA supports a ban on the manufacture, sale, possession and use of all snares not just in Wales, but across the whole of the UK, and is now looking to England and Scotland to follow suit and join Wales with a complete ban on snares.

Lynne added: “Unfortunately we do see cases like C.C’s across our 48 Pet Hospitals, and we firmly believe there needs to be a ban on snares. Snares are inhumane; catching a range of wild and domestic animals, including protected species and beloved family pets, often resulting in severe injury or death.

“Animals caught in snares naturally panic and struggle to break free, this causes the snare to cut deeper into the skin and flesh, seriously harming the animal. Unless found, animals suffer horrendously, possibly for many hours, before they die.”


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