The following story is a guest submission by Joe & Socks:
My name is Joe and we live in Apache Jct., AZ. Socks came into my life on Feb.6, 2018. I had the doors open on my house as the weather was great that day. I was watching the evening news when a little “Sylvester” look alike kitty walked in the door.He meowed and jumped up onto my lap and went to sleep (as I said “Hi”!).
I made a concerted attempt to find his owner over the next few weeks, but only discovered that one of my compassionate neighbors threw Socks and his brothers and sisters over his fence and into the desert. I live at the base of the Superstition Mts.
I had no intention of tossing this little beauty back outside and made him a member of my family. I had him neutered, microchipped and vaccinated. Apache Jct. animal control is called “Paws & Claws” and has a local Mobile Vet clinic that did the work at very reasonable prices!
A later visit to a local vet (after a bad encounter with some cactus) revealed that he had stomatitis. I had him checked for the recommended tests and found out that he had not developed cancer. So I began adding Omega3 oil to his food.
It was a little harder breaking him of his outdoor roaming habits, but he finally is happy living indoors. We figured out that he was probably born in the late summer of 2017. So, I christened his birthday as US Labor Day (since this is a floating holiday)!
He is a treat as a roommate! Never a dull moment around here anymore!
I’ve attached a couple of photos of teeny bopper Socks during his 1st few months of living here (the last 2 have him playing Godzilla on my N scale Model Railroad!)
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to brag about my little buddy!
Joejoe & Socks
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What a wonderful person you are. And this really does prove that cats pick you!
Awesome guy ?❤️
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