Guest Star Cat: Her Majesty Princess

The following Guest Story was submitted by Catherine L.:

I had my Calikit from when her mom had her under my porch.

She saw me through a divorce, cancer and the death of my beloved mom. That’s honestly another story.

I knew Calli was getting on in years and had some chronic medical issues. Chronic pancreatitis and high liver functions creating bouts of hepatitis. She was a tough little calico and rallied many times.

I was in Petco looking at kitties and wound up volunteering for the rescue that had their cats there. I cleaned cages often and met Princess. There was something about her. Big green eyes and a big voice. I adopted her when Calli was 16. She lived to be 20.

Princess took a back seat for a few years and was a lady with Calli who was clearly the alpha kitty. One day Princess was in the bedroom and must have seen a bird or bug. She pushed through the screen and fell out a two story window.

I had no idea til I came home on my bike to the back laundry room door. I heard a cat crying and looked down the stairs and saw a dirty cat in the leaves. Closer look and realized it was Princess. I threw my bike down, scooped her up and ran upstairs.

I put her down and proceeded to feel for injuries. She knew nothing about the area and could have wandered into the road, gone to other buildings in the complex or into some wooded area behind the building. I considered it a small miracle she was there behind my building and where I took my bike.

I did not usually go in that laundry room door. After losing Calli, I was grieving horribly but she made it easier. As she became the queen, I realized she was a smarty pants.

I started training her to do tricks. I’d guess she knows about 10-15 human words. She sits, stays, stands up, does circles, shakes, high fives and double high fives. We just learned bye bye. That one was tough.

I also started buying puzzles boxes. She whipped through them. I finally bought what was called a level four. ( Rated 1-4 in difficulty) This box was designed to train dogs. It has four compartments and each one opens differently. First time took about 25 minutes. Now, she does it in less than 5 minutes.

This girl is a phenom of the cat world. I’m going to get a hoop and try that soon. Princess was dumped at a high kill animal control shelter. No papers, no name no history. Just get rid of her.

My rescue pulls as many cats and dogs as we can handle from kill shelters in our area. This is embarrassing, but feel the need to share this. I battle depression and anxiety. I was in a very bad way and was planning to down a bottle of pills.

I was sitting on the floor sobbing uncontrollably. Princess climbed up on me and howled in my face non stop. She kept putting my face with her paw. I looked into her eyes and realized how much she needed her mom.

She saved my life. A few years later I adopted Rosie from my rescue but that’s another story.

I give you Her Majesty Princess, the smartest kitty I’ve ever known in my 66 years. Sometimes too smart lol. She opens every cupboard in the kitchen and drags out various things, especially the treat bags.

Yup too smart. I love her


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