Because it Snowed – An Owl and the Pussycat Poem

“Her fur’s as dark as midnight’s lovely gloom
And when she walks in silence through the night
Her paw pads kiss the earth with rare delight:
She’s so sublime and elegant a bloom !

A flower of all felines, with her grace
A magical enchantment full of dreams !
Oh, how she has survived through life’s extremes !
I can’t imagine how she bears this place !

She was abandoned by some felon. She
A house cat oh so civilized and rare !
She knew how to besot with every stare,
From those delightful eyes and from each tree.

I know we’re different. I’m like moonlight, bright
With silver feathers and sublime repose;
And she? She has those magic sable toes…
I love her. Life can be passion’s delight.

So how will I comprise a starlight ode
Enchanting my sweet damsel princess queen?
She needs to rule in a secure demesne:
I’ve made a nest for her because it’s snowed.”

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