Cats in Crisis to be Saved by Matching Challenge

His big blue eyes should have seen only love — but a world of woe glared back at the tiny cat.

Houston had a problem – actually, several. Not only was the pint-sized Siamese trapped in a hoarding situation, but he suffered from a severe neurological condition called hydrocephalus. The gentle cat faced a long, lonely night with no end in sight.

But Houston’s sorrow was no match for a love brighter than the dawn. And this fall, he’s the “poster cat” for a special matching donation challenge to save cats in crisis at Tabby’s Place: a Cat Sanctuary.

Houston’s life went from darkness to light on the day he became a “Tabby’s Place cat.” The central NJ sanctuary is known world-wide as the ultimate refuge for cats with nowhere to turn. And so, the little cat full of sorrows landed in the arms of mercy and the care of a gifted neurologist at a specialty hospital.

Saving lives like Houston’s is costly, and Tabby’s Place welcomes dozens of desperate cats every month. That’s why the sanctuary created the life-saving Linda Fund…and, now through October 17th, all donations will be doubled.

Named for an injured kitten saved in 2009, the Linda Fund provides world-class medical care for sick and injured cats, right in their hour of need.

Cat lovers are encouraged to visit to make a life-saving gift. Donations of any amount will be matched by benefactors, going twice as far for cats in crisis.

As for precious Houston? The brave little boy found the home of his dreams, with an adopter skilled in caring for Special Needs cats. It was a classic “Tabby’s Place miracle.” And although Houston lost his battle with hydrocephalus in September, his legacy will live on in every Tabby’s Place cat.

By giving to the Linda Fund, donors can provide the miracle of love for cats like Houston. But gifts will only be matched this fall, so now is the time to save feline lives.


About Tabby’s Place
Since 2003, Tabby’s Place,, has been a world class, cage-free sanctuary for cats from hopeless situations.

Tabby’s Place embraces the neediest cats regardless of age, most medical issues, or temperament, making it a harbor of hope for the most desperate, with a particular focus on Special Needs cats. At any given time, 30-40% of Tabby’s Place’s residents have chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and paraplegia.

The sanctuary is a uniquely nurturing environment, providing the tenderness, patience and personalized care cats need to trust people, whatever their past. The physical facility supports this level of care, having been designed from the ground up to meet cats’ needs and delight their senses with bright, open suites; continuous fresh air; and safe access to outdoor solaria.

Love and grace characterize Tabby’s Place’s interactions with everyone it encounters, feline or otherwise. The Tabby’s Place team strives to treat each person and cat with respect, compassion, and generosity of spirit.

Tabby’s Place can be reached at 908-237-5300 or, or by mail at 1100 US Highway 202, Ringoes, NJ 08551.


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