The following guest story is by an author that would like to remain anonymous and there is posted in our guest handle author. Feature image used for illustration purposes.
I wanted to share my story in order to possibly save another cat’s life.
My story began when I rescued a tuxedo kitten over 10 years and 5 months ago.
He was a healthy fun pet to have around and I was besotted by him and him with me.
We had a very treasured relationship and were really bonded.
He was my absolute life and I wanted to do right by him.
He was neutered, got yearly vaccinations as recommended by the local vet.
He was an indoor only cat as I did not want to lose him by being hit by a car or that type of thing.
He had all he needed, endless toys, a scratching post and several cat beds and 2 litter boxes.
I did not feed dry food as was aware of the dangers these can cause cats. So it was a wet food for him.
I came across on Facebook The Two Crazy Cat ladies who had guests on their show like holistic vets and various other people to pass on information that pet parents were not aware of.
So I only came across them in the later part of my cat`s life and was honestly shocked by the true degree constant vaccinations were having on cats and about what was actually in the pet food.
Of course at this stage my cat was experiencing throwing up furballs, undigested food etc. Despite keeping a diary of all this and updating my vets and being fobbed off by them. I was seen to be more than concerned and my worries about my cat were not being heard. I was given a variety of furball remedies which did nothing at all to help. They basically told me the cat was fine and I had nothing to worry about. Getting sick once or twice a week was ok. Perhaps he was stressed?
I knew differently from listening to the discussions on the Facebook Two Crazy Cat Ladies. Their holistic vet Dr. Katy Woodley explained throwing up furballs/ undigested food etc regularly could be a sign of gut health. So I pushed my conventional vets to get an Xray done and of course, the devastating news awaited me my cat had liver cancer.
I nearly crashed the car on hearing this. I was basically given a death sentence and palliative care was the only option. I would not accept this and pushed once again for my cat to see a specialist.
That day was terribly hard as I had a long drive and a full day to wait on the results. He had a CT scan at the clinic and I had to leave him there in a practice he was unfamiliar with.
So I was called later that day by the vet nurse who told me I would get answers later and I could collect my cat.
My experience was that I picked up the cat with the discharging vet who did not say too much and could not answer the questions I had for him. He told me I would hear from the specialist and would get the answers later.
I heard nothing at all paid a substantial bill and was not given a receipt and told I had to contact my conventional vets for the results and after that I would get the receipt.
I was completely shocked about this.
However, I chatted to my conventional vets who suggested that surgery was risky and that I would be signing my cat`s death sentence. Not at all said nicely to me.
I was lucky I finally got the written report from my referral vet emailed to me as I said I wanted it and said I had paid for it. This, therefore, gave me the chance to show it to another vet in the UK who gave their opinion on the Ct scan results.
This was beneficial to me as I had another opinion. I was afraid of putting my cat through a big surgery and was advised to find a holistic vet to help my cat.
I googled holistic vets in my area and only one came up. I phoned the practice and explained my story.
I was now much more informed about what holistic vets actually did from hearing Dr Katy Woodley.
So I was forward-thinking myself and on board to take the next step in my cat`s journey.
I had a long consultation by phone and then passed on the scan results and later the original x-ray I had from my conventional vets. This enabled the new holistic vet to have all the necessary details. She met my cat and was very kind and gentle with him. I was given all sorts of remedies to help his liver and she had cured cancer before so my hopes were high.
We had to change the remedies many times and I kept a diary of his toileting, eating habits and medications given.
So he got his initial diagnosis on the 25th of August 2021 of liver cancer and by January 2022 his tumour had shrunk by 2.5cm.
I was overjoyed to see my cat almost back to himself. He was eating, drinking, playing, and not just feeling bad.
We had many ups and downs to follow. He went off certain foods and we had to encourage him to eat. The holistic vet wanted him on a raw diet but he was not ready for that although one weekend after chatting to the Two Crazy Cat Ladies who suggested trying pork or minced meat. Well, low and behold he was delighted with the mincemeat and I bought more for him to eat.
We went through freeze-dried chicken which was also recommended by DR Katy Woodley in her chats to The Two Crazy Cat Ladies. I was honestly trying my best.
We had various check-ups and weight checks at the holistic vet and he was a firm favourite at the practice.
Sadly he went downhill and in March after another x-ray and CT scan the tumour had re-grown and this was devastating for both of us.
By May 11th, 2022 it was the day to take him to the vets after coming home to seeing him flat on a blanket, gasping with his mouth open and drooling at the mouth. I was heartbroken as I had no warning that this would happen.
I phoned the vet practice immediately and he was to see the holistic vet for X-rays and blood tests to see what had happened. Unfortunately, the tumour had ruptured and now covered his abdomen. I stayed at the vets and could hear him crying. I refused to leave as the holistic vet had said that he may die today. I did not want him to suffer and was with him at the end. I looked into his eyes and told him I was sorry and that I loved him so much.
It was heartbreaking to take home a dead cat to bury in the back garden. He was wrapped up in a lovely blanket and placed in a felt box. I put holy water on him and the bottle was placed inside with him along with a lock of my hair. As he loved smelling my hair after I went to the hairdressers.
Every week I put flowers on his grave in a cat-themed planter and miss him so much.
But please the moral of the story is to not believe a vet you use. To get a second or 3rd opinion. To seek knowledge from other reputable sources and do your research about the pet food industry and over vaccinations.
Well, what I learned is 1 in 3 cats die of cancer. It can be from the environment they live in. The water they are given could be contaminated. That animal residue means that the pet food industry put dead animals into it including animals that are euthanized, and diseased animals with their tags on are all crushed up as pet food. We are giving this to our lovely pets. Heavy metal poisons from giving tuna to cats.
The over-vaccination dangers that pet parents should get a TITRE test done to see if they actually need the vaccine at all.
There are medicines that are available in America that can help along with Blood profile tests which means you can get pet blood tested for cancer without doing a biopsy.
I was so frustrated that this was available in America and nowhere else. But there are options and please look into them. If my story can help another pet live a long and happy life my job is done.
There is a meatloaf sleeping position also that indicates pain in the tummy of cats that the vets were not aware of. I saw this with a previous cat we had who had cancer of the stomach but lived to be 19 years old.
The cat meatloaf position is a variation of the loaf position sick felines often sleep in. This is where your cat is in a hunched position with its back arched upwards and paws underneath its body. They will be leaning forward and sleeping with their head down and their eyes clenched shut in pain. All the positions I have mentioned already could indicate sickness and pain, but there is also a good chance that your cat just wants to get cozy and feels comfortable. However, the meatloaf position is not like this. If your cat is in the meatloaf pose, they almost definitely need medical attention.
The pet medicine is Pet Wellbeing this also has a UK site and the company is very helpful and wants to give you feedback or any assistance. They are based in America but at least these are closer to home.
Mushroom Immune Gold and Life gold have good reviews. Check them out I am using them on my other cat who has Inflammatory Bowel disease.
Remember knowledge is power and do not be afraid to question your vet. If they are not aware of these products or are interested find someone who is.
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