Dr. Oozy by Jona Gorra, M.D.,FACP and Annie Gorra

My love for cats goes all the way back when I was growing up in the Philippines. We were struggling

financially so we cannot afford to indulge them. I promised myself that when I finish school and find work, I will pamper them.

When I migrated to the US and put up a medical practice, I adopted two cats. One was Buki and the other one was Oozy. Buki was regal, well-behaved, and had royal manners. Oozy was the opposite. He was quite rough and was not concerned about how he behaved. In the human world, Buki would be the well-mannered socialite while Oozy would be the one who came from the wrong side of the tracks.

Their contrasting personalities brought so much amusement and joy to me and my husband. True to my promise, now that I can afford, we pampered them.

Sadly, they both passed away. Buki passed first and a few years later, Oozy followed. Before he died, Oozy caressed my face and the face of my husband with his paws to wipe our tears. Until now, I become teary-eyed when I remember this loving gesture.

In memory of Buki and Oozy, I co-wrote a children’s book with my sister, Annie Gorra, called “Dr. Oozy.” It’s about a cat (Oozy), who wants to become a doctor like his human companions, Dr. Ryan and Dr. Joy. But he has one problem. He does not have arms and hands. How can he become a doctor?

The question of whether a cat can become a doctor bothered him so much that he could not sleep. He wanted to quit school but his sister, Buki, encouraged him to continue learning. Oozy listened to Buki’s counsel, and opportunities opened up for him that he never expected.

The book combines both my love for cats and passion for education. A pediatrician in Delaware said that “the book conveys a very important message about the need for personal interaction between children and animals.” An elementary school teacher in the Philippines said that the book is a “heartwarming story about patience, love, and charity.”

She is an avid supporter of the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and a great believer in education. The book, “Dr Oozy,” based on her two former cats, “Oozy,” and “Buki,” combines her passion for animals and education.

She is married to Dr. Ody Claravall, a fellow internist, and a major contributor to the making of this book.

Annie Gorra has written two books: “City of Gold: People Who Made their Home and History in Cagayan de Oro” and “The Mystery on 17th Street.” “The Mystery on 17th Street” was a finalist in the “Gintong Aklat Awards” in 2018 in the Philippines and was included in the online catalogue of the New Westminster Public Library, New Westminster, BC.

She used to work for the City of Vancouver in Vancouver, B.C. She is married to Benny Rago. She and her sister, Dr Jona Gorra both hail from Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines.

She likes to tell stories that entertain and hopes that “Dr Oozy” will be fun for children.

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