Nominate an unsung hero at by Nov 20th for a chance to win cash donations, an award, and a year’s supply of cat litter!
Happy National Cat Day! If you’re looking for ways to celebrate, the ARM & HAMMER™ Feline Generous program just launched the ‘Unsung Heroes’ Awards to recognize the most inspiring staff and volunteers at cat welfare organizations who have gone above and beyond to help purrfectly impurrfect shelter cats this year.
Shelter cats are often overlooked for adoption because of their age, appearance or misunderstood personalities. In many cases, the staff and volunteers work behind the scenes to perform miracles and make sure these purrfectly impurrfect cats have their physical, medical and emotional needs met.
“Typically, purrfectly impurrfect cats spend more time in shelters before being adopted, so they rely on the kindness of the shelters’ staff and volunteers to make them comfortable,” said Pam Johnson-Bennett, Certified Cat Behavior Consultant. “It’s amazing how a small gesture can make a huge difference to a cat who may be struggling with a physical, medical or emotional challenge. Making sure their favorite toy is easily accessible in their cage, giving them extra attention and affection, or creating a positive bio to help people see beyond a cat’s impurrfections are all great examples of how unsung heroes at shelters go the extra mile.”
The Unsung Heroes Awards is a chance to nominate yourself or someone you know to spread more awareness around purrfectly impurrfect cats while having a chance to win a cast donation for your favorite cat shelter. Additionally, if you’re selected as an unsung hero you will receive an award and a year’s supply of ARM & HAMMER™ cat litter.
A panel of cat experts will select one winner from each of the three Unsung Heroes Awards categories:
- Compassion (Prize: $7,500) – A staff or volunteer who showed tenderness, patience and extra care to purrfectly impurrfect cats to make sure they received specialized comfort and attention. For example, helping physically challenged cats to access items in their cage without difficulty, educating other staff/volunteers on ways to provide comfort, focusing on building confidence within the cats through extra playtime and affection, etc.
- Creativity (Prize: $7,500) — A staff or volunteer who executed the most creative solution to comfort a purrfectly impurrfect shelter cat or to find them a forever home. For example, customizing a cage or designing an addition/toy/object, creating a sensitive and positive bio to help potential adopters see beyond the “imperfections,” hosting a creative adoption event or social media campaign, etc.
- AdvoCat of the Year (Prize: $15,000) — A staff or volunteer who exemplified BOTH compassion and creativity towards purrfectly impurrfect shelter cats and served as an outstanding advocat for this cause beyond their shelter. For example, educating other staff/volunteers, as well as their greater community about how lovable and adoptable purrfectly impurrfect cats are, playing a big role in finding forever homes and continuing to follow up after adoption, hosting community adoption events focused on purrfectly impurrfect cats, etc.
“Our mission for Feline Generous is to raise awareness around why purrfectly impurrfect cats make such wonderful pets to help them find furever homes,” said Rebecca Blank, Group Brand Manager, ARM & HAMMER™ Pet Care. “We are thrilled to acknowledge and celebrate the unsung heroes who have enormous advocat hearts and day after day show their love for purrfectly impurrfect cats even after their shift is over. They deserve recognition and we hope by sharing their best practices it will inspire others to help overlooked shelter cats in their community.”
Don’t forget to use #FelineGenerous #UnsungHeroes to follow the conversation!
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