Hi everyone,
Please find below a guest story by Marie about her cat Marty:
Tamara was a special cat who lived with me for 10 years. She was very timid and anxious, she would hide for days when there were big changes (moving home). Tamara was not an active cat, preferring to spend most of her time indoors resting and gradually she became unwell.
In the last few years of her life, I tried to get her help from various vets and it was eventually identified that she had kidney stones. However as it had not been treated, her kidneys had been affected too and she needed an operation to relieve the obstructed stones.
I was assured that it would only take a day and I dropped her off on my way to work, hoping to see her that evening. Unfortunately, she did not improve after surgery, her kidneys had started to fail and she deteriorated. As this was during the first peak of COVID, I was not allowed to visit her for a whole week and by this time, she was not expected to survive. After much pleading, I was able to bring her home for a final visit and we made the most of her time with us. She looked so miserable and seemed to have given up when I picked her up but when she came home, she immediately brightened up and went to her favourite sleeping place.
I was there when she passed away at the vets; she was purring when I was stroking her and she slipped away quickly. I was able to bring her home and buried her in our garden. However the night I brought her body home, all the lights in my house flickered and the same thing happened to my daughter too (in her father’s house). During the same night, I was sure I heard her meow and I had to check a few times that she had not come back to life.
Since then, I have felt her around me from time to time, feeling her jumping onto the bed to lie on my legs like she used to do, when there are no living cats around and seeing her moving around the garden. I have no doubt that it is Tamara letting us know that she is there and keeping an eye on us from time to time 🙂
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It is so hard to lose a beloved 4-footed family member, and it is worse when we can’t be their to comfort them in unfamiliar surroundings. They do so much for us, even when they’re just sleeping on the desk nearby. We lost a gentle spirit who passed away after a battle with cancer. It never gets easier, all we can do is hope that we are there for them when they pass on.