Share Your Experience of of Giving Medicine to Your Cat(s) at Home

Do you have trouble tableting your cat? Have you had problems giving them pills?

Whatever your experience of giving medicine to your cat/s at home, our charity partner want to hear from you!

Most owners can agree that giving medicine to their cat in the form of a pill is no easy task, but it’s often a necessary part of helping them to recover from an illness or even how we have to administer long-term medication. We understand this, and we want to make sure that the process is as easy as possible both for you and your cat.

We’re currently inviting owners to share their experiences in a survey that will be used to educate veterinary professionals and companies designing medications.

So, if you’re tired of the constant battle that giving pills can be, please consider completing the survey linked below so we can ensure that vets are giving you the best information and manufacturers are mindful of real-life issues when designing medication.

We estimate it will take around 15 minutes to complete, and all data will be anonymised so individual participants will not be identifiable in any published results.

Consider it an investment for the next time you need to give your cat a tablet…
Take the survey

Tableting Advice

The iCatCare experts have compiled some tips and tricks in this short guide that will help to make the process of giving your cat a tablet as straightforward as possible.

How to give your cat a tablet


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4 thoughts on “Share Your Experience of of Giving Medicine to Your Cat(s) at Home

  1. Kris says:

    What a good idea. Although, the one really bad experience I had with Mittens is kind of out of the norm. Even when it comes to meds and pets! It was in a crowded airport, after a flight from Anchorage to Seattle and we had one leg left. Mittens had gotten meds close to 10 hours earlier and the vet, when I called, suggested trying to get another relaxation pill down her throat. She’d not had water or food (bad idea in the cabin of a plane) and when I attempted to get the pill in her, my arm was marked quite noticeably!! Only after we got to our destination, a few hours later, did I discover the pill residing in the bottom of the carrier!

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