Donner’s Nocturnal (Mis)Adventure

Donner’s Nocturnal (Mis)Adventure

Some cats really love to explore the area around where they live and often bring back little souvenirs for their owners. If you’re lucky, it could just be discarded toy or slipper presented as a trophy won after a night of prowling around the neighbourhood. If you’re not so lucky it might be something that’s still alive as you feline friends drops it on your duvet.

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Since domestic cats’s wild ancestors were nocturnal, some felines want to scamper out the catflap for some fun just as you’re thinking of heading to bed. But your pet being out all night can be a big worry. There are a number of dangers to be avoided including busy roads, cruel humans and wild animals as well as other cats protecting their territories.  It can be difficult to get your feline to come and go to suit your routine. And what if they don’t come home? What if they can’t get back because they’re stuck somewhere?

Allowing your cat access to the outside is a decision for individual owners to make after weighing up the pros and cons. There is way to allow your cat to follow their natural desire to be outside and explore all the interesting  sights and smells but keep them safe at the same time. If you have a garden, outside space or even a balcony this can be used to allow your pet with an area to be part of nature rather than looking through a closed window. ProtectaPet have years of experience providing solutions which allow your cat safe access to the outside world- when your cat wants it.


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