Guest Star: Goose the Handicat

Hi everyone,

Please find below a guest story by Hannah about her cat Goose:

Hello! This is Goose, and at 4 weeks old he had some sort of accident that resulted in him being lower end paralyzed…. despite that though Goose was such a resilient, spunky kitten and I knew he deserved to live a life!

Yes, he has to have help going potty, it’s like having a baby lol. He wears diapers, is incontinent but he’s not in pain and doesn’t know he’s any different! People always say “he’s so lucky to have you” and I know they are meaning well but I have to disagree, I am soo lucky to have him!

Not the other way around, this little ball of sunshine has become my source of happiness, we have such a bond. Could you help spread awareness that special needs animals can be happy? So many animals that are paraplegic like Goose get euthanized and it breaks my heart, with the right care they thrive!

Instagram: Goose_the_handicat
Facebook: @life_of_goose_the_handicat
Thank you
~Hannah And Goosey

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