Hey guys,
We just found out that there is a brilliant looking cat subscription coming this year!
The Kitty Cafe from Nottingham that we have visited before has put a campaign up on Indiegogo to fund their new subscription box! It has already reached 100% and there are only a mere few days left to join in for the first round of boxes which is estimated to be launched in September this year.
Please find the full details of their campaign below. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS THEIR CAMPAIGN AND WE ARE NOT ASSOCIATED TO THEM nore do we receive any compensation for posting this story. We simply thought it was too pawesome not to share:
Their project is a high-quality subscription box for you and your cat aimed at encouraging health, wellbeing, curiosity and variety to your cat! As well as rewarding you for loving your kitty! The funds raised will cover the production and shipping of the boxes!
Thank you for stopping by to view our paw-some new concept for your cat but also for YOU!
Kitty Cafe is a long-established brand in the cafe cafe and restaurant sector! They use their revenues to put back into their kitties enabling us to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome as many cats as possible! They have 90 cats at any one time (all of whom were very happy to try all the new items)
Why develop a product now?
We have been locked down, along with everyone else and so we are looking for different ways to stay afloat and bring a little joy to you and your kitties! Usually our Kitties are supported by the profits of the restaurants that we run and support the rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming of our cats! However we now need to keep our kitties going by different avenues! As we are a big happy family, supporting our kitties is our top priority.
Whilst taking care of our kitties we have put on our thinking caps and came up with the Kitty Cafe Pam-Purr Subscription Box! And we think it is A-MEOW-zing!
Every month you will get a brand new Kitty Cafe box which will contain the following:
2 high quality, highly interactive cat toys (probably featuring cat nip for MAXIMUM entertainment), focusing on brain stimulation and increasing health and wellbeing
Kitty treats – because you know they deserve it! Every month a different treat will delight your cat
Kitty foods – new foods for your kitty to try focusing on health and being environmentally friendly
Treats for YOU (aka Kitty slave) – because it is hard work keeping kitties happy and you deserve a treat! Every month a new treat from mugs to socks to pamper products you will be kept looking stylishly kitty!
PLUS – lots of leaflets and coupons so you can purrrr-chase your kitty cat’s favourites and remain in their good books!
The retail value of the contents of the box if brought individually will always be approx £50 or more
Each box will be unique with a wide range of products for you and your cat to try! This is especially important in keeping your cat engaged, healthy and being more environmentally friendly!
Cats, like toddlers, get bored of the same things on repeat, so that particular silver tabby brand of food or that treat with the advertisement of cats bursting through walls, might not be the healthiest nor the most environmentally friendly way to take care of your kitties! Use our boxes to road test new products with your cat or as a treat once a month.
All of our products will be tested by our approx 90 rescue cats and only the toys and food that pass their rigourous quality and interest test will feature in your box!
All of our boxes will be unique and themed for maximum impact with the aim to brighten up yours and your special kitty’s day!
Pam-Purr Pack possible Themes
January – New Years Box – it’s party season so get your New year going with a bang including cat wine and special glitz and glam treats
February – Valentines day – show that special puss in your life how much you love them
March – Mothers day – ever wondered what your cat would get your for mother’s day?
April – The season all about bunnies but we think it should be about your kitty
May – As the fields burst into colour, lets celebrate with colourful treats for your kitty
June – Its not just about cat mums, this month we celebrate cat dads!
July – In July we will be looking for the summer trends to treat your cat like unicorns or pirates
August – The summer holidays are here! We are pulling on our sunglasses and sorting summer loving fun all in a box
September – The school bell has rang – what brain teasers can we send your kitty this month?
October – Halloween is not just for black cats – there is no room for scaredy cats in this month’s box
November – There is a chill in the air and the fireworks are ready ! What sparklers can we include this month?
December – Tis the season to be jolly! Santa Paws is on his way for an early Christmas treat to get you in to feastive spirit.
Your cats wont be able to wait to get their paws on it!
We really cannot wait to get started putting together the boxes and already have box printers, designers and partnerships in place to bring these boxes to you so this is the timeline we expect to get up and running!
We need to raise the funds through crowdfunding as all of our available resources are directed to keeping the restaurant and cattery going throughout lockdown. We therefore need to sell our boxes pre-ordered to be able to go into manufacture. Our team have been working tirelessly to put together the best subscription box on the market that not only treats you and your kitty but also contributes to the rescue cats in the care of Kitty Cafe.
Who are we and what is our story?
Here at Kitty Cafe we know cats! We have been running Kitty Cafes for 5 years now and have 3 locations with 90 cats in our care at any one time! We also operate as a rescue rehabiliation and rehoming centre and so have actually had 1000s of cats pass through our care is various conditions and with a whole variety of medical conditions including long term health conditions, 3 legged cats and cats that have just had a terrible start in life. Therefore all the food, treats and toys we have used throughout the years and have chosen for these fantastic subscription boxes have all been tried and tested by the Kitty Cafe Cat Family! You know a toy is high quality when it stands the test of 30 cats playing with it! We insist on only the best for our kitties!
Popcorn Then
Popcorn Now
Heathcliffe Then
Heathcliffe Now
Prior to Kitty Cafe, Oliver (husband) and I ran a large scale warehousing facility that focused on packaging, party supplies and product development. We were large wholesalers on platforms such as Ebay, Amazon and Groupon. Across the platforms we have made high volumes of sales. We therefore have a deep understanding of the processed of pick, pack and dispatch on small and large scales.
During this current climate we have been forced to close our doors to the public but our caring work doesn’t end and therefore we have decided to draw on our previous skills and take Kitty Cafe online and delivered directly to your door!
The combination of our passion of cats and knowledge of product sales we know we have the combination for success! Not only to ensure the long term survival of our rescue facilities but ensure we grow from strength and strength!
Why not find out more and follow us on social media?
Facebook – @KittycafeUK
Instagram – @KittycafeUK
Twitter – @KittyCafeUK1
TikTok – @kittycafeUK
You Tube – @kittycafeUK
What Will Happen when I claim a reward!
You will be signed up for the number of months you have purchased and every month that you have purchased, a new fantastic box will arrive at your door! During your final month we will contact you and see if you want to continue to recieve the boxes and sign you up to our rolling subscription through PayPal (account not required). There is no obligation to do so, we are grateful for the support you have given us!
We will also have the option to buy one offs for gifts, for that special crazy cat person in your life!
Upon raising the GOAL of £1500 we will ADD extra TREATS to each order for your Kitty and for you! Check back here once we have reached our goal!
Thank you so much for supporting us to make this dream a reality
The full range of Necoichi raised bowls and accessory now available @ Katzenworld Shop