Hi everyone,
It’s me Nubia here today with a new friend of mine… Maya the bee! 😀
Nubia: Isn’t she adorable! And she wears my favourite colour as stripes! Black! 😉
Nubia: Did I just hear a bird…? Birds eat bees… so i must guard my little friend!

Nubia: Lets see… no bird over there, or here or on that side! I think we should be safe. 😀
Nubia: But you are now probably all thinking, what exactly does my little friend do… well she is what is called a content tonie for the toniebox which is a fun audio system for hairless human children! There are loads of audio content figurines you can place on the box such as the lion king we looked at before.
Nubia: Have you seen the adventures of Maya and her friends on TV before? They sound just as amazing as our adventures! ;o
Nubia: And she certainly looks adorable against those flowers… tho of course not as adorable as me the supreme Meowjesty! ;o
Nubia: If you or your friends would like to get maya or the toniebox head over to our blog shop where you can get them with worldwide delivery. 🙂
Nubia: Right I will take my little friend back to the safety of indoors now! 😀
Signed by,
Her Meowjesty Queen Nubia the Disturber of Peace
Thanks, Nubia, for the information on Maya!
Holy cats, I remember watching Maya the Bee when I was little! (And I’m borderline old!)