Let me tell you about a marvelous book for cat lovers. The author has a cat (“Ziggy”) and decided that he would be much happier if he could live more like Ziggy. His goal is to share Ziggy’s innate wisdom with the world and for the reader to discover simple pleasures and imagine another way of viewing life. The author succeeds brilliantly.

The book is perfect to read in short spurts as each section is only a few pages long. You’ll learn quite a bit about your feline companion. In addition to some good laughs, quite a bit of the book will have you thinking about your cat in a new light. Plus you may get inspiration for your life.
Topics include Your Cat …is Free; …is Wise;…is The Center of Attention;…is Curious by Nature;…Loves Calm;…Knows How to Rest;…Trusts You;…Is Always Cautious;…Knows What it Wants;…Always Remains Natural and Your Cat Knows When to Say No (and Readily Does So).
It’s an enjoyable book which will make you think not only about your feline companion but also how you are living your life. There are some terrific insights and I am very glad that I saw it in a bookstore.
Several weeks later I was looking at jigsaw puzzles and saw one, “Feline Tales,” which I had to get. It has the names of many cat books … including “How to Think Like a Cat” … some of which I will definitely check out.

Time to hug my cat!