Hi everyone,
It’s me Freya here today and I am helping my humans to trial the Gus & Bella subscription box!
Freya: Straight away when my humans opened it I knew that it wasn’t just a box for them but a box for both the cat loving humans and us felines! 😀

Freya: The box which retails from £26.95 (plus postage) is great value for money as it’s packed full with cat lover goodies, cat treats and of course cat toys! 😀
Freya: Oooooh look what I found! It’s a cat teaser! 😀

Freya: Come on humans… I want to play with this!!!!
Freya: We are getting there… 😮

Renegade: Did I hear the noise of a cat teaser?
Freya: Yes you did… but since I was here first… it’s MINE!!!!
Renegade: But but… sharing is caring. ;o
Renegade: Of course the box doesn’t just contain toys. It also contains a selection of cat treats and complete food. And I have to say… these treats… are pawesome!!!! 😀
Renegade: But how did the box come about? The brand was inspired by two London born cats, Gus and Bella. From the moment their tiny paws entered the house, they became fully-fledged members of the family, and stole the hearts of their pet purrents Charlie & Emily. As indoor cats, they were constantly looking for new ways to entertain and care for G&B, to make sure they were both happy and healthy. Gus & Bella Box was born out of a desire to help other cat owners find new ways to treat their cats – and occasionally themselves!
Freya: Well all of us including the humans were super impressed with our trial box! It contained a pawesome lunch box set and lunch bag for the humans and plenty of things for us to enjoy. So if you fancy a monthly subscription box that will entertain both your human and fulfill all your feline needs get your human to check out the Gus & Bella Box!
Renegade: Also, if you fancy finding out more about the box why not visit the London Cats show this weekend in Surrey at which both our humans and the Gus & Bella box will be exhibiting. 🙂
Signed by,
His Meowjesty King Renegade the Flash
Her Meowjesty Queen Frey the Snow Leopard