Hi everyone,
It’s Rennie and Freya here today with a little update from Katzenworld HQ!
Renegade: What happened is that our sleepypod Mobile Pet bed from our sponsor sleepypod came back out this week!
Renegade: At first I thought it was time for a trip to the vet! But you know… I simply can’t resist this one anyway. <3
Freya: But Rennie… Haven’t you checked the mercury…
Renegade: The what?
Freya: The temperature silly you… don’t you know that phrase. 😉 Anyway… temperatures here in the UK have significantly dropped and that’s why the humans got out our super cosy and warm sleepypod Mobile Pet bed !

Freya: But can you let me join now…?
Renegade: Nope… I am far too comfortable in here. ;o
Freya: In that case… *steps all over Renegade*
Freya: There we go! 😀 It’s all mine now. 😉

Freya: And as you can see… there would actually be enough space for both of us! But my brother isn’t always good at sharing. ;o
The sleepypod mobile pet bed comes in two sizes and various colours to choose from.

And yep for car journeys we can be securly belted in to ensure nothing happens to us on the journey.
Freya: And for those felines with a human that’s a little OCD… don’t worry the inside lining can be removed and washed. 😀
This particular carrier comes in 2 sizes:
Sleepypod Mini: Accommodates pets up to 7 pounds / approx. 3.2kg
dogs recommended up to 5 pounds (for comfort) / approx. 2.3kg
Sleepypod Medium: Accommodates pets up to 15 pounds (6.8kg)
dogs recommended up to 12 pounds (5.4kg) (for comfort)
Signed by,
Her Meowjesty Queen Freya the Snowleopard
His Meowjesty King Renegade the Flash