Hi everyone,
Todays post is dedicated to Jacques the Norwegian Forest Cat that we met in Maison de Moggy. He really reminded us of the lion in Narnia!
Missed our initial post? This can be found here.
He really liked playing with the laser toy they had in the cafe!
Oops where has it gone now. 😉
What struck me the most is that he looked like a lion!
Makes you wonder what he was thinking during this pose!
And as the last one a majestic picture of him showing his whole beautiful mane.
I hope you enjoyed todays post and are looking forward to finding out more about the other cats that live at Maison de Moggy. 😀
To find out more about Maison de Moggy visit their website or Facebook page. Already made up your mind? You can book a slot here!
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handsome kitty
Oh he’s a beauty !
Jacques looks a bit like my late boy Jelly Bean! We think Jelly Bean might have been mostly Turkish Angora because he was white with a black spot on his head. He had two different colored eyes: one blue and one green. His ears were really big and he had a cute pink nose.