Hi everyone,
So…. Oliver got a SECOND one of those Finley & Farquhar pet duvets and he honestly thought that I would just let him have it?!?
Nubia: Well think again Oliver! This is MINE now… and it’s in YOUR FAVOURITE spot as well muahaha. 😀

Nubia: Well this was perfect until…. a silly human turned on the light!!!

Nubia: But I guess a cat has to give them permission to take photos so that I can get more cool sleeping places right? ;o

Nubia: Plus…. this is FAR too comfy and warm for me to make a bit off fuss over some light. 😀 Oh and for those of you felines that would like one.. get in touch with the ladies from Finley & Farquhar on their Facebook page.
Signed by,
Her Meowjesty Queen Nubia the Disturber of Peace
In the experience of this human… a cat never asks for nor needs permission from a mere human. As for another feline, well the heiarchy is always with us. Photos are a touchy subject here. Who would have thought that three felines from various bloodlines would all be camera shy? C’est la vie. Our pleas for photos from readers has not been well received so there is little this mere human can do and is considering discontinuing the blog…
Noooo don’t discontinue your blog
How kind. Thank you Marc. If you know of photos (Feline of course) they are always welcome. My masters are happy to dictate the stories…
Nubia looks so adorable!
She loves this 😀
Nubia you look so cute on the duvet. Looks nice and comfy, no wonder you want it all to yourself.
It’s because these are made with love by our friends. 🙂