Last Fight
Shades of grey and white
Go back and forth into the night
Visions turn blue and bright
Chest now heavy and tight
Close to my beating heart
Is a longing for a future weakened
By a deteriorating yearning
To see him alive and thriving
If ever the battle is lost
I’d take him up a riveting river
Help him stay calm
With every shiver or quiver
I’d hold him close as I seek
Truth as a believer
Plant kisses like no other
Grant him his last wish, I’d think he’ll remember
I’ve seen him fall yet perched tall, paws and all
I vow not to lose sight of what’s best, what’s right
As leaving me is all he has
To continue one last fight

Author of
1) My All: Poems by Farzleen F. Khan (2017)
2) My All: No Rhyme or Reason – A Poetry Chapbook by Farzleen F.Khan (2019)
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Great poem!
Tq David
Thanks 🙂
beautiful …
Thank you ^^