Hi everyone,
It’s me Renegade here today! And I’ve got some new pawesome tea… well kind of it’s actually a catnip-filled tea bag cat toy. 😀

Rennie: Our humans got these catnip tea bags in specifically to support our partner charity International Cat Care as all profits of the tea bags are going to be donated to them. 🙂

Rennie: Once out of their box they make a purrfect toy for me as it’s got a string bit and catnip! Sadly… so it does for my sister Freya too…
Freya: What have you got there… and why wasn’t I invited to this tea party!!!

Freya: It’s my turn now! 😀
Rennie: They should have unpacked two for us. 🙁

Rennie: And I’ve got it back!!! It’s just the right size to lie in between my paws too. 😉

Rennie: Wait! Human! What are you doing! Don’t take my toy away from me…

Rennie: This is better! 😀 Now I can toss and turn around with it. 🙂

Rennie: Look at how much fun it is to pull on the teabag string! Much better than the humans own tea bags. 😉
Rennie: Don’t tell me you’ve come back to steal my tea… oh you haven’t? Well that’s all good in that case!

Rennie: Safety tests are also a requirement of my thorough testing… and it looks like this string holds firmly! 😀 So if you fancy getting your humans to order you one check them out in our shop and remember our own humans will donate the profit of these to International Cat Care!
Signed by,
His Meowjesty King Renegade aka the Flash!
Her Meowjesty Queen Freya the Snow Leopard
While the company would be first rate, I should have to pass on the tea… coffee?
Ha no coffee atm ?
Thank you, Rennie! Earl Grey has always been a favorite!
Rennie, you are one super handsome athletic man cat !
His vet says he needs a diet so better not tell him that. ?