Dirk and I previously reviewed Frolicat’s Cheese toy which Dirk loves playing with. This time Dirk and I played with FroliCat® RoloRat: a robotic rat.

This toy will appeal to cats that are triggered by chasing laser lights and cats that enjoy playing with moving toys will also like this. When you switch the mouse on its eyes light up and the tail starts moving. Then the mouse starts rolling around the room occasionally stopping to move the tail and flicker the light in its eyes.
Dirk was properly intrigued by tihs moving toy though he mainly stuck to observing it when it was switched on. He’s not keen on laser light toys so that didn’t trigger him to play with it. He kept a close eye on it though! As soon as I switch it off he starts playing with it.

I guess kittens will love chasing this toy around the room when it is switched on. More mature cats, like Dirk, might play with it more when it is off. Dirk quite likes kicking it, jumping on top of it from a hidden position and pouncing or biting the tail.
An unintended game that Dirk enjoys as well is when I hold the mouse up by its tail – it has a pretty long tail – and swing it around or drag it across the floor. He’s always up for a game of chase!

Kitten owners: I definitely recommend this one! It will provide hours of entertainment for you and your kitty 🙂
Available from PetSafe with international delivery options.
Very cute. Someone had to take control of that fake rodent!
My cat Siri was extremely proud when she captured an old, dusty, wrinkled green bean that had fallen under the cabinet beneath the oven. She must have thought it was a snake or something, because she went around the house ‘meowing’ with it hanging from her mouth. She wanted us to see that she had saved the family from a very dangerous green bean!
? how funny. And our little Freya loves fresh green beans and will grow if any of the other cats tries to steal it.
And let us know if you ever fancy writing a guest story about Siri. 🙂