The Friday Art Cat: Gwennie

Hi everyone,

Today’s entry in the Friday Art Cat series comes from Alex Halliday


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“I love to draw pets for other people, but one of my favourite subjects is my own cat Gwendoline Lilly (Gwennie), seen here staring intently at a fly on the lap shade. Get in touch if you’d like a drawing.”
Best wishes
Alex Halliday
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13 thoughts on “The Friday Art Cat: Gwennie

  1. Léa says:

    Beautiful and it tugs at my heart. When my son was young he decided he needed a cat of his own as his sister had one who was a grumpy one person cat. At the local SPA, a small tuxedo pushed her arms through the bars on her cage. He was off looking at kittens and I had to see who this marvelous feline was that was reaching out. I opened the cage and she lept to my shoulder with both paws circling my neck. She hung onto my neck as if her life depended on it. Joseph came to see what I had found and she quickly moved on to him with the same hanging on until she had him. As I completed the adoption papers, I noticed that she was scheduled to be put down the previous day and someone had overlooked it. He quickly dubbed her Miss Peppers with the logic that she was both black and white pepper. She immediately put the house in order and grumpy cat was tamed by a girl a third his size. We were lucky Miss Peppers rescued us.

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