Some beings come into this world with something special, a magic that allows them to know their worth. They are more outgoing, more present in the moment, because they aren’t worried about how they look or whether they belong there.
These individuals have one thing more: Joy. It’s an attitude that life is fun, not mean or cruel. They are present in their joy.
That is Samson. It was Samson the day I picked him up from PACC shelter at 3 weeks old. He had a gleam in his eye the other 5 kittens didn’t. When you took a picture, he was looking straight at you, not away or down.
Samson did silly things, like playing with his feet, and his brother totally took care of Sam’s grooming routine. I was concerned that I would have to keep “Ziggy” to be Samson’s man servant. Luckily Ziggy was adopted the next week, and Samson trudged thru learning his own personal hygiene. He got good at it by default.
Samson asked for his name. He said his power was his hair. He wanted a name that contained strength, beauty, that he had a heart, his true source of power. Samson knew that he enjoyed being around people more than most and that he loved travel, riding in cars, luxuriating in hotel rooms. When he spoke of this to other cats, they thought Samson was crazy because they preferred home.
Samson realized that to travel in cars, pose for photos, go to strange hotels in strange cities, was an avenue for him to share the plight of kittens in animal shelters. Seventy percent of the cats killed in shelters are kittens, innocent creatures with a lot of love to share.
Samson knows that animals come into our lives for a purpose, a purpose that is loving & profound. Of course, it is the human’s choice on whether or not to embark on the journey of that purpose with the kitten, or walk away. Every kitten in a shelter is a love affair waiting to start.
He knew he was to be a spokes cat for fostering kittens from shelters of all kinds. Samson wants to share with the world the love a rescue cat has to give.
Samson has been very busy proving his core belief, that cats heal. He went to a conference called “BlogPaws” in Phoenix when he was 2 months old, was held and loved by all the conference participants. He got to be a “Taster” for new cat foods & treats, along with whipped cream that he thoroughly enjoyed. Samson LOVES being admired as a beautiful cat, feeling the love the people give him. Of course he talks telepathically to his Mom, so she knows if he is uneasy or needs anything.
Samson has sunglasses he wears at appearances, and working his sunglasses brings a smile to the biggest curmudgeon! Samson has a tight bond with his mom, any place they are together home. This year Samson modeled at GlobalPetExpo for WellPet, again attended BlogPaws, in Myrtle Beach, and SuperZoo17 for @CatsRule. He had a wonderful time meeting cat lovers, giving them great tips about how to make your cats happy. After sitting in his stroller all day, Sam loved a great game of “running thru the hotel rooms” and letting loose.

Samson’s biggest accomplishment so far in 2017 is becoming a certified therapy pet with The Southern AZ Humane Society PetVIP program. Samson is the only cat among over 500 dogs in the program. Samson plans to use the opportunity to bring attention to the fact that cats can travel, walk on a leash, stay in a hotel, just like their dog counterparts. Being a therapy cat that shows people the love a shelter cat has to give is right on target for Sam. With all he accomplished in his first year, just wait to see what happens when he hits his stride!
The full range of Necoichi raised bowls and accessory now available @ Katzenworld Shop
I had a cat that was like Samson and absolutely loved people. I tried to set him up to be a therapy cat in Denver, Colorado but, it fell through. What a great story!! You can read about my cat, too at
Oh what a shame it fell through.
Samson is also a beauty!
Thanks 😀
Samson is pure gold begging to be kidnapped!
Ta 🙂
@samson_speaks Samson, I really dig those groovy shades man. Far out you bundle of gingery fluffy handsomeness ❤❤
@samson_speaks I lovez yur shades. Do yu like mine? It be vewy sunny here in Florida n U need dem…
I love Samson
Samson is incredibly cute kitty!!
What an interesting life Samson has. Such a beauty!
Thanks 🙂
Oh Samson I do hope when I find a new kitty) or well I guess I should say… when my next one finds me… I Do hope its a lot like you (with a mix of everything I loved about my Sully)
I LOVE the glasses. And got a much needed smile seeing you wearing them. (How did your huMOM get you to do that?) It was Nice meeting you and I hope to see more from you and your human
🙂 I wish I knew how to make one of ours wear those too.
With the glasses I started when he was about 4 months old having Samson wearing them. I am an animal communicator so I work with Sam Telepathically alot. He knows how I think, so it doesnt take much to get him to do what I want. Usually for a shoot I just tell him what I need and then let him do it in his own time. The telepathic training works really well with therapy pet too. I have to tell Sam to not growl when a patient squeezes him too tight!