Hi everyone,
It’s me Oliver here today with an important advice on Heated Pads for you and your humans! Those of you that have been following us for a while might know how much I love my heat and that includes Heated Beds of course!
Sadly not all Heated Pads are made equally safe and us and our humans came across a terrible story from the Metro last month. 🙁
Apparently a poor lady bought a a HUAYUU pet heating pad from Amazon for her Sphynx and kittens to keep them warm thinking if must be safe only to find hours after using it that it overheated, burned and killed most of the kittens!!!!
That is just utterly heartbreaking and a warning needs to be given to the people of this world to pick quality over the price of an item!

Oliver: See this red blanket? It’s on my purrsonal favourite Heated Pet Pad!
Oliver: So why is this so much safer? The Pet Remedy Heat Pad comes with two thermostats to ensure that it operates safely and will cut out if it gets too hot!
Oliver: Additionally it slowly heats up to the right body temperature! It doesn’t heat up too quickly like some of those cheap eletric blankets.
Oliver: Additional key features include:
- With 12v AC electronic adaptor plug
- BSAVA approved and recommended
- Gently brings body mass temperature up to around 39 degs C
- Maintains optimum temperature
- 42cm x 38cm x (16.5” x 15”)
- Ideal for all mammals young or old
- Only 15 watts so cheap to run
- Safe to leave on constantly
- With 2 integral thermostats for extra safety
- Protective sheath on cable to prevent chewing
- Wipe-able pad
- Suitable for use in pet bed, whelping and carry baskets
- Cable can be disconnected to feed through basket
- Generous 2.7m of cable
Oliver: Of course we are not saying you necessarily need to purchase this one but it’s important to look out for safety measues such as the thermostat! And even when we would recommend that you are around when using the heat pad just to be on the safe side.

Oliver: And if you get one… you may find that your cat will be as cuddly and cute as myself. 😉

Oliver: If you’d like to get the same one that I’ve got it’s available via Pet Remedy for £45 pounds and they also have a size matched calming pad , the heated pad can fit purffectly inside it to make it even cosier!
Signed by,
His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
Very cute pictures. 🙂
I have a heated bed for my cats and they won’t use it. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that Florida isn’t England? ;D
Thank you! And haha… you may very well be right on that assumption about not using the heat pad. ?
Heated pet pads are not only fantastic for elderly cats who have less fat on their old bones, for anxious cats and for those suffering from chronic or acute pain, but for the heat seeking missiles of the cat world they’re a great way to encourage them to sleep where you want them to! I’m always recommending them to my clients, but only the Pet Remedy Low Voltage Heated Pet Pad as it’s the only one I absolutely trust.
I like the natural way….polar fleece blanket and me! I’m the heat source. But I hear you………..Cheers,H
True there is nothing better than a cat or two sleeing on one. But since we can’t be living heat pads all the time… a safe heat pad is a must here.
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That was a very sad story. I pray for the lady and any kitties that made it through. I hope that company gets shut down for cruelty.
Indeed… at least amazon pulled the dodgy ad but it gives a bad name to companies that produce safe heat pads. ?
I read that sad story that’s why I don’t leave Spikes heating pad on for to long and I would never ever leave it on if I went out. x????
Yes it was so horrible to read that… just had to make a warning post! And link to a purrfectly safe one.
You are ADORable!
He says thank you 🙂
I don’t use heating pads, but that’s good advice.
It’s great for the cold time of the year.
Hello, just wanted to let you know that I nominated you to sunshine blogger award
I hope you like it!
Thanks, boiledapple
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This is good advice. Plus never use a human heating pad because it gets too hot and can cause internal burns.
Very true. Many people don’t realise human heating pads get too hot.