Wisdom from Cats in the Garden

I wandered in the garden one morning and found Tiger and Benji apparently at odds.

It was mostly Tiger who needed cheering up.

“Hey Tiger, you handsome boy! How are you doing?”

“Oh I don’t know Sue. I don’t feel very handsome. Did you notice the carcass in the yard?”

“Yes Tiger, I noticed. A mole. Great job!”

“It wasn’t me Sue. Benji caught it. That boy is fast! You should have seen him out here this morning hiding in the lettuce. It was brilliant.”

“He knew just when to strike and brought the beast down without a struggle.”

“That’s great Tiger,’ I replied. “The mole was destroying the garden and needed to go. I’m happy Benji took care of it. So what’s the problem?”

“Don’t you see Sue? used to be able to do that. Not anymore. Let’s face it. I’m finished.”

“Oh Tiger, you mustn’t think that! You did your part. It’s time to let the boy do the dirty work. Who wants to kill moles anyway? They’re not good for eating.”

“You’re right about that Sue. But I just feel so useless sometimes.”

“You’re not useless Tiger! Your presence alone keeps the varmints away. Honestly, I love seeing you wander in the garden; how you linger and enjoy the moment.”

“You remind me to stop and take time to smell the roses.”

“And to enjoy the bounty of the garden. Did you notice the raspberries are ripening?”

“Yes Sue, I noticed. And how about those strawberries? They really smell good!”

“Indeed they do Tiger! Youth has its place, but if everyone ran around in a frenzy all the time, hunting and wild-eyed, how would it be? There’s got to be some mature felines to provide guidance and wisdom to the young. You’ve got a lot to give.”

“Aw thanks Sue. I could give Benji a few tips alright. I don’t really feel like hunting moles anyway, though I may be up for an occasional vole. Mostly I’d rather be right here where I am, in the garden visiting with you.”

“You and I are more alike then you know, Tiger.”

~ Susanne and Tiger – https://catsandtrailsandgardentales.com/


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22 thoughts on “Wisdom from Cats in the Garden

  1. RoseyToesMeows says:

    What a beautiful post. I really enjoyed reading this.
    Thank you Suzanne, for eloquently putting into words that our older kitties are just as important as our youngsters. ❤️❤️

  2. themerlinpages says:

    I don’t think my post sent…..thanks for the reminder ….Tom was not always my best friend as he really didn’t give my poor Gandalf a chance but he gets on better with Brownie and he never knew he’d end up with a younger Queenie as his new girlfriend – consolation for his elder 9 years…..

  3. angelswhisper2011 says:

    We loved this story and beautiful pictures 😀 I’m a garden cat myself, but your pictures are beyond beautiful. Thanks for the tour around your garden 🙂 Pawkisses for a wonderful day 🙂 <3

  4. Pingback: Wisdom from Cats in the Garden — Katzenworld – GettingrealwithPTSD

  5. mvaden1948 says:

    There is nothing so lovely as spending time with your cat in the garden.
    When I lived in North Carolina mine used leave dead voles on my door mat. The vet said they probably didn’t like the taste.

  6. chrisscatmeow says:

    Reminds me so much of me and my boy Spike he’s older now,so am I. The ginger kitty comes in my garden and Spike lays there watching this kitty so full of energy. At least me and my boy are growing older together. x?????

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