Soaring Temperatures Bring Danger to Cats and Kittens Falling out of Windows
– Blue Cross ask owners to take steps and save their cats –
As nice as the hot summer weather has been it’s sure has meant that some of us have been suffering from extreme heat in our flats and houses. Sadly aircon units are not that wide spread on this side of the big pond as they are in the US.
Amidst this heat many of us will attempt to reduce heat by opening windows which can sadly pose an extreme health hazard to our feline friends! In addition to the sad story from BlueCross below and their own tips we’d also suggest to get window screens such as the ones offered by Cataire in the UK.
National pet charity Blue Cross is sending out a warning to cat owners about the dangers of balconies and open windows during warm weather. Owners are encouraged to put up screens or netting to save beloved pets from falling out after a four-month-old kitten is treated for broken bones at the charity’s Victoria hospital.

Every summer, the Blue Cross animal hospitals see a shocking number of cats being brought in with serious and sometimes fatal injuries after they’ve fallen foul of open windows and balconies.
Currently, the charity’s Victoria animal hospital is caring for Zana, a four-month-old kitten, following a fall from a second-story window this week. The tiny kitten badly fractured her rear leg and required surgery and an external fixator (metal rods to support the bone) to repair it. Zana now faces several weeks of rehabilitation and rest in foster care before she is able to find a new home.
Sadly, Zana’s original owners could not afford her treatment and future care so they decided that it would be best for the kitten to go to a new home where her needs can be met. Zana will be going to the charity’s rehoming centre in Lewknor where she’ll be seeking a new home once she’s better.
Alison Thomas, Senior Veterinary Surgeon at Victoria animal hospital said: “Every year we remind owners about the dangers of cats falling from windows and balconies. Like Zana, fall victims are often very young, experiencing their first summer and are curious to see a window or door open for the first time.”

Alison added: “Young cats often lose their footing and fall which can lead to devastating injuries, and older cats often fall when sleeping on a window ledge or balcony. Tiny Zana faces weeks of cage rest during such important and playful time of her life, it’s very sad to see. We really hope more owners will take heed and make their windows safe for their pets.”
To keep your cats safe and still enjoy a cooling breeze during the summer months, Blue Cross advises either installing tip and tilt windows which allow air into the room without offering access outside to curious cats or using netting or a screen across windows or balconies when they are open to prevent the cats getting out.
For more advice on keeping cats safe in summer, visit:
So sad. While I do have windows open, they are well screened. The two without screens, don’t get opened. The large screen door is well fastened, so escape is not possible there. It is so hard being a feline and being constantly chatted up by birds and such and then have to deal with that human jailer who won’t let us out to play,,,
Good to hear you’ve secured yours. 🙂
A timely post – people put too much trust in kitties’ sense of balance and don’t understand the ri…
Sage advice, and the consequences of not taking precautions can be fatal. Love the screen idea that you link to, these are very popular in the USA. Given how cheap zircon is to buy, and now to run, I will be investing in a split unit, or the box style unit that sits in the window (style we see in US movies etc) for next year.
Toodle pips and purrs
Thank you 🙂
I’m really worried for my next fur-baby (when I get one) living on the second floor and having a balcony. Kitten or older cat, still can’t decide. Or how grumpy my landlord will be with me installing permanent structures on the balcony. Cheers,H
My friend had the same issue, The apartment management was particular about what people put on their balconies. She bought some wire mesh at a hardware store and put it around against the railings. It barely showed when she used a couple of cheap fake plants to camouflage it. Another friend had a small dog and the same issue. She used dog gates. Neither are permanent and won’t damage the balcony.
There are temporary balcony kits. I think protectapet has those.
It’s simple. If you cannot make your home safe for cats, don’t have one.
It angers me when people don’t take advice.
Some people may just not realise the dangers that’s why it’s important to share advice like this. :/
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Thank you for posting this reminder! Poor Kitty! Hope it finds a new family.
You are welcome 🙂
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My cats are indoor only so all my windows are screened securely.The storm window glass is on the outside and I only move it up 2/3rd of the way so if a kitty gets excited and pushes against the glass keeps the screen window in it’s track. Never had a problem.
We need to get our windows done
Poor little baby. I hope she heals completely.
My Oliver, a 20lbs orange Hemingway, has lots of windows, screens & A/C. A/C is necessary on the mid-atlantic east coast of the US. OY.
It’s been super hot in the U.K. for now five? Weeks! I moved here ten years ago and we are usually lucky for a hot week or two so now the weather is starting to get a little scary.