In Remembrance of Pranceen.

This story is in remembrance of Pranceen. From 1997 to 2014. Pranceen came to me as a stray. She stayed as family.

All through her long life she touched many hearts.

In the winter of 1997 I was living in an apartment in Clear Lake Iowa with a girlfriend, her two daughters and two cats George (female) and Boo (male)

We where getting ready to move to a house in Mason City when a half-starved kitten showed up on the back landing.

I am guessing she was 6 to 9 months old. But I really don’t know. She was always small and never weighed more than 8 pounds.

She was very insistent that she was cold and hungry and wanted to come live with us. Even if it was in Mason City.

So when we moved to Mason City we packed up Pranceen and brought her with us.

With four people in the house Pranceen chose me as her preferred human. I didn’t have much choice in the matter.

You are probably wondering how Pranceen got her name? If you scratched her back in front of her tail.

She would prance around on her toes. It was one of her endearing qualities.

After 7 years the relationship ended and Pranceen left with me.

After leaving a multi cat household. Pranceen decided she had to be the cutest thing in my world.

And no other competition was allowed. No other cats! Typical for a female.

But it does not matter. She was my constant companion for many years to come.

I took a new job and temporarily moved to St Louis MO.

For 3 months Pranceen and I lived in a Drury Inn in Maryland Heights MO.

The Maids all loved Pranceen and would sneak into the room to play with her while I was out working.

They where very sad when we left to move into a house there in St Louis.

I lived and worked in St Louis for 2 years. I worked an average of 60 to 90 hours a week.

While Pranceen kept the home, fires burning.

Then we transferred back to Cedar Rapids IA and a slightly less hectic work pace.

Yes Pranceen was a laundry cat. And was sitting on the warm cloths in the dryer.

she just sat there pretty as a picture. So I took one.

Then during the Cedar River flood of 2008 we lost our home in Cedar Rapids IA to 13 feet of flood water.

Needless to say I no longer find it quaint living by a river.

So after a 3 month long clean up. We packed up what could be saved and moved to Springville IA.

Which is miles away from any rivers.

Under Where ???

As you can see Pranceen had a knack for being cute.

She only had half a tail. But she would walk up to me and hook it around my leg.

It was how she greeted me. And she did not meow very much.

She would just usually just give a quiet mrrrrr.

She passed away from renal failure August 2014.

I find it hard to put into words how much I miss her and the companionship, affection and amusement she provided me.

I was honored to be her adopted human. And I hope these photos show how special she was.


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21 thoughts on “In Remembrance of Pranceen.

  1. Livie says:

    I’ m so sorry for your loss. Pranceen was so beautiful and so sweet. No woder she was special to you and many people loved her.

  2. Tewsday says:

    Omg this is such a beautiful story! I love how cats choose us and build this special bond. I had that with my cat Barry. I miss him so much. Lots of kitteh love to you xxx

  3. overthehillontheyellowbrickroad says:

    May Pranceen rest in peace. Everything from her name to all the adventures in homes you and she had together touched my heart. Your memories reminded me of the cats I’ve adopted in my lifetime and the special times we’ve had. I once had a male cat who looked just like Pranceen. He mastered opening the refrigerator door by digging his claws into the adhesive around it, and helping himself to chicken.

  4. loisajay says:

    I love the name…I can close my eyes and picture her prancing on her little toes. She knew she was loved and that is what matters. You were a good human, and you were both lucky. Rest in peace, sweet girl.

  5. Dennis Ades says:

    Thank you all for your comments. Pranceen left big paw ? prints over my heart ?. I am so lucky to have Spazzy II and TigGRRR III to fill the huge void Pranceen’s passing left there. ? People who do not have pets in their lives will never understand how important they are as family. And how much they are missed when they are taken from us.

  6. Leona Course says:

    Our cat Abby is 18 and starting to show her age! She was a crazy wild kitten but has settled down a lot! It is funny now because she grumbles and still has some spunk left! If we get up from sitting she moves to the spot we were sitting! She is a joy but we understand her age and try to cut her some slack! One of our cats lived until she was 17 so we must be doing something right!

  7. atkokosplace says:

    I’m so glad she found you! What a perfect pair. It is so very hard to lose a beloved pet. I’ve lost many in the years I’ve been rescuing. Many went on to other homes, but quite a lot stayed with me. Pranceen was very loved by you and she knew it, which is why she came to your door step. You are an amazing human to take in a stray and to KEEP it! A good life she had and you will carry many wonderful memories you shared together! Hugs to you! Koko 🙂

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