It’s good to hear that Katzenworld has become so popular that even those in the dog world have started to visit us 🙂
Here’s a short, amusing article by a founder of a dog blog over in India (see details at the end);
Though cats and dogs are the most common household pets, they have about as much in common as apples and oranges. Still, and contrary to popular myths, cats and dogs can adapt and live together.
Of course, the harmony is better if introduced at a young age. It’s not to say that a cat or dog can’t be added to your pet home later, just that adjusting may take longer. Either way, there are going to be some funny interactions between them during the “getting to know you” stage and later during the “living together” stage. When living together, cats and dogs and their antics can be downright hilarious to watch.
First things first, both cats and dogs are lovely pets but they don’t speak the same language. Dogs are driven by an innate need for affection. Whatever they do, it is to gain more love (and food). Cats, on the other hand keep their need for affection in control and like to be in control. They want on-demand love, and display a moody aloofness.
In such a dynamic, they learn each other’s behaviors and exhibit them in an erratic and funny manner. Cats will start walking on a leash and dogs will start sitting in boxes. On a rare occasion, you might get your cat to play fetch as well! At the core, they remain who they are – but small learned traits shine through to give an amusing experience.
Cats becoming Dogs
One of the most spectacular examples was when Rosie the kitten was taken in and mothered by the three huskies. From going on a walk with a leash to standing in line for food, Rosie learned everything like a dog!
Rosie was paired with Lilo, one of the Huskies who had recently been spayed. The mother’s instinct took over for Lilo as Rosie (at 2 weeks old) was weak and looking for love. The cuddles gave way to mentoring and Rosie started learning the tricks of the trade from Lilo.
The owners of this cute pair, and two other Huskies, started treating Rosie like a dog and took her around on a leash. The adventures continue strong as ever and can be seen on their Instagram page (link).
Dogs becoming Cats
The other adorable example was when Tally, a Husky mix grew with a group of cats. Sure enough, the huge dog started believing itself to be a perfect cat.
Who can look at the above picture and not think that there must be a cat around this guy? Tally’s temperament also became quite non-husky type. The eccentric randomness of this breed gave way to a judging aloofness as per the owner.
And yes, Tally also showed the favorite cat trait of hiding in boxes.
About the author, Deepak Sharma:
Deepak is the founder of – a wholesome place for loving and caring for our dogs. At heart, he is a musician and an animal lover. At work, he is a serial entrepreneur and an e-commerce marketing specialist. Loves to chat about new things and a sucker for cute dog image.
I suspect he likes cats too 🙂
Thanks for reading
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When Cats and Dogs Grow Up Together is interesting. Especially if they’re introduced as an adult. I used to have a beautiful white cat named Snowball and an Alaskan Malamute named Shandar. Both were adults when they were introduced but luckily they got along. We had our Female Alaskan Malamute first then rescued a female white.
When I was growing up we always had cats and dogs at the same time. One of our dogs used to like to wash the cats. The cats were non plussed but put up with it.
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I’m not always a single barren spinster looking forward to a household of cats! My ideal household is a cat, a dog, and a husband! Cheers,H
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LOL, it’s good to know that Purrseidon isn’t the only cat with a boogie board… and yes, her surrogate mom was/is a Husky.
Wonderful. I knew someone with 2 cats and I dog. They did take on each other’s behavior traits. It was fun to watch.
Beautiful story? beautiful cat and dogs. happy lives together Rosie and Huskies???
When Cats and Dogs Grow Up Together is interesting. Especially if they’re introduced as an adult. I used to have a beautiful white cat named Snowball and an Alaskan Malamute named Shandar. Both were adults when they were introduced but luckily they got along. We had our Female Alaskan Malamute first then rescued a female white.
?? ??
When I was growing up we always had cats and dogs at the same time. One of our dogs used to like to wash the cats. The cats were non plussed but put up with it.
Pingback: When Cats and Dogs Grow up Together! – Jeanne Foguth's Blog
When Cats and Dogs Grow up Together! TOPIC describes some real life example.i have both they looks like a pretty child.
beautiful cat and dogs. happy lives together ???