Hello! I’m Jakie the Cat. Welcome to my Daytime Drama. Episode 2.
It’s time for breakfast. My humom is making herself sunny side up eggs. Her favorite. And mine.
We have the same battle every morning. I want some, but the sunny side up egg belongs to humom. Every time I touch her egg, she gets mad. Why does this always happen? Day after day? Week after week?
Hey wait! Today might be different. My humom is opening a package from 4cats toy. It looks like a soft cloth fried egg! And it’s filled with catnip!
I just overheard my humom say you can get this fried egg filled with catnip or valerian.
Best of all, from now on, every morning, my humom and I can both enjoy our fried eggs.
But mine will last longer. And it fits perfectly between my paws.
And so ends another episode of my Daytime Drama. See you next time!
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Jakie will you share?! !that looks yummy plus catnip is good for humans too!
Sure! No problem! I’ll try to stuff it through the internet. Let me know if arrives on your end.
🙂 Purrs, Jakie the Cat
yes Jakie thank you Handsome Hunk!
Years ago we had a lovely Tortie named Pinto who also had a thing for eggs sunnyside up. Our dining table chairs had arms and she knew if she sat quietly under my husband’s arm on that chair she could stick her head under his hand while the fork went to his mouth and grab a couple of quick licks off the plate. He thought it was funny and I asked him to please not let her do it when we had company.
I may invest in one of those everlasting (or almost) eggs for my boys and see if they like them. Catnip only though…they don’t care for valerian.
Ha ha. Yes, catnip is Jakie’s favorite too. After I’ve eaten my own fried egg, I sometimes let him lick the plate. He likes that, as well as having his own fried egg toy. We aim to please, don’t we? 🙂
Too cute!!! Totally relate! I love those little grape tomatoes, but I have to throw a couple on the floor for MaMoe to bat around while I eat !
Ha ha ha Jakie won out! He got his own egg! Cats really are the bosses!
Yes! Jakie rules in this household. 🙂
I must say this item–catnip egg–is something I never saw before. Never know what your going to discover on the next cat blog you visit!
I have to admit, it’s one of my favorite breakfast toys. Purrs, Jakie
Ha ha brilliant now you both have your eggs. Enjoy.x???