Friday Art Cat: More art of Renegade! This time from a friend in China

Hi everyone,

Some of you may know that Renegade recently has been very popular when it comes to cat art! In fact we may have to start hosting a Katzenworld gallery one of these days for all the art of him and the others. : )

This time around we got an amazing little drawing from a friend in China. We hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we do!

The above drawing was based of this picture of him:


We think she did an amazing job with it. 🙂



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31 thoughts on “Friday Art Cat: More art of Renegade! This time from a friend in China

  1. mvaden1948 says:

    Oh, how beautiful! Who would have thought that a sort of funny looking cat who probably has the purrsonality to match would be such a wonderful model!

  2. mvaden1948 says:

    Please note…I think Rennie is wonderful and all my comments about him are meant as compliments…I love “funny looking” cats and have been known to stand by cages at cat shows and have full conversations with the hairless ones…speaking of funny looking ones. I have never seen one like Rennie before. Lucky you!

    • Marc-André says:

      Rennie’s mum and sister are Siamese. There as he is classified as bi colour oriental or flame oriental depending on if you are in the US (first term) or UK (second term).

      And oh I need to see if I can get some photos of my friend Jo she has naked cats that are called Peterbalds 🙂

      • mvaden1948 says:

        I generally talk to the naked cats asking them about their ancestors and sometimes about their home planets. My late husband who loved cats too would walk away from me so my craziness would not be associated with him. That’s okay, he had his own craziness…after all, he was married to me.

  3. Pingback: Friday Art Cat: More art of Renegade! This time from a friend in China - Katzenworld Shop

  4. Bonnie says:

    Hi,,hello ,I am Bonnie ,the guy from china and paintting Renegade. It’s relly really happy to see that you guys all like Renegade and my drawing,thank you you all!!!

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