Hi everyone,
It’s me Rennie here today and my humans got me some new food to try out! 😀
Renegade: What do you mean by I am in the way so you can’t see what the food is…? Oh oops I am indeed in the picture. ;o
Renegade: Is this better? While I am making love to the bag… (come on humans open it already!!!) I shall tell you a bit more about our new food. 😀
Renegade: Apparently this bag of food is made with a lot of fresh and raw fish and minimal amount of dried food!
Renegade: Aha… the little infographic explains why it’s called Six Fish! But what is Rock fish?!? Sounds like an incredibly hard to eat fishy… 😮
Renegade: The best part of this food is that it’s been designed with us carnivores in mind and you can find out a bit more about this on the Orijen website. But for now… humans where is my bowl and food!

Renegade: Oh…. is that a new scoop for my food? And hold on a second… the bowl for my food is missing?!? Do you expect me to eat from the floor?
Renegade: Hmmmmm did you really just put my food into that mouse thingy…?
Renegade: Aaaaargh! I’ll have to work for my food now?!?

Renegade: Maybe if I pull it here? Or there… or over here! @_@

Renegade: Right… it appears I’ll have to draw onto my ancient hunting instincts to get to this food today!

Renegade: At last! I managed to get to the food and it’s most certainly delicious. 😀 But you all are probably now wondering what the mouse shaped item is all about?
Renegade: Well… my humans considered that since they went for a food that’s aligned to our tummies and carnivore nature it would also be a great idea to make the act of eating this food more in line with our natural instincts!
Renegade: This is why they’ve decided to feed me with the Doc & Phoebe’s Co Indoor Hunting Feeder (formerly known as nobowl feeder) which are designed with our natural hunting instincts in mind.
Renegade: And I’ve to say it certainly was a lot more fun to eat my dinner today! (Despite my constant complaining…) In fact my siblings apparently have trialled this in the past and you can find out more about it here:
Renegade: But we won’t stop here! As you know our humans and us felines at Katzenworld are dedicated to improve the welfare of all cats out there so we will be showing you more of this product as a means of environmental enrichment through our kibble reviews this years. 😀
Signed by,
His Meowjesty Prince Renegade the Creator of Chaos and Grandest of Connoisseurs
It’s always a nice moment when I drop by your blog ?
Thank you ^^
We hate working and hunting for food. We like a nice buffet!
I think Spike would agree.??
But it’s all about eating healthier. 😉
Loved all the photos of Renegade. x????
Thank you ^^
Renny, you’re a super-fine gourmand 😛
Orijen! My masters of mischief get crazy for these treats! Their fav is Regional Red (meat)!
Happy Six Fish Meal <3
Aw Rennie it was fun after all!
🙂 indeed
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