Cat Grooming: How to Clip Claws
by Argos Pet Insurance
Regular nail trimming should be an essential part of your cat grooming routine. Not only does it help reduce damage to your belongings (including the furniture!), it also helps your cat stay free of illness or injury.
Indoor and outdoor cats are equally prone to nail injuries, with the most common being ingrown and torn nails. Ingrown nails can sometimes result in infections, which is why it’s key to trim your cat’s nails regularly.
Our video on how to clip claws can help:
To clip their claws you’ll need a pair of nail clippers and some treats at hand. Wrapping your cat loosely in a towel may make the process easier and your cat feel more comfortable.
If your cat isn’t used to getting their nails clipped, start off slowly by getting them used to the sight of the nail clippers and having their paws touched.
Make sure that your cat is relaxed and calm. If they do become agitated by the situation, simply stop and try again another time.
Don’t attempt to trim all your cat’s nails at once. It’s easier for your cat if you take breaks in between. Trim a couple of claws and then take a break, or trim all claws on a single paw (if your cat is comfortable) before taking a break.
Gently take their paw and squeeze on the end of it until the claw comes out.
Begin the grooming by cutting the tips of the nail off and then gradually build up your confidence as you progress.
When looking at the nail, you’ll notice that there’s a pink area inside of it; this is called the quick of the nail. The quick is the live part of the nail, which contains nerves and blood vessels. Be extra careful not to clip the quick as it is sensitive and could cause your cat to bleed. In case this happens, it’s a good idea to have some stypic powder nearby.
Once you’ve trimmed a claw, be sure to reward your cat with a treat and praise to help build reassurance.
Trimming your cat’s nails should be a regular part of your cat grooming routine. It’s advised to trim your cat’s nails every ten days to two weeks.
Don’t forget to insure your cat with pet insurance so they can get the treatment they need should they fall ill. You can find lots of handy advice at
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Jamima used to go crazy on her scratching post so I’d often find her discarded claws. 6 months after her passing when I moved house I found one of her claws in the back of the bookcase behind all my books…………….a bitter-sweet reminder. Cheers,H
? so sad
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Probably the only thing I wouldn’t do myself. Vet it is, with things I don’t feel sure enough in, to prevent accidents, no matter dog or cat.
Our problem is that Oliver really really doesn’t like it.
Neither would like Roxy, but if we’re at the vet, she knows I need her cooperation for the better for her, and she gives that. Smart kiddo.
Lucky. 🙂
I am, so terribly lucky with.
The short video was particularly useful. I haven’t tried to do this, since ours spend time outside and I want them to be capable of defending themselves and/or climb a tree, but if this changes, this is very useful.
Yeah if one has indoor cats it’s quite important. Oliver For example has problems with his claws curling inwards and that can be very painful if claws are not clipped back regularly.
Mr. M has arthritic paws, but has been doing quite well with silvervine.
There are people I know who have declawed their cats. Isn’t that equivalent to amputation?
Sadly that is exactly the equivalent. 🙁
That clipping is important especially for indoor cats that could get ingrown claws or get stuck while you are out fair enough but declawing is outright cruel…
It is 🙁
it’s almost impossible to catch my cat for any kind of treatment, she struggles so much within the towel that she finally escapes. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks
Ah sadly we are in the same boat with one of our cats. What we’ve been trying to do is give positive associations with what you need to do. So things like giving a treat afterwards.
You could also try to give her a valerian got prior to it. Valerian will work like catnip at first but has a natural distressing and calming effect at the end of the playtime.
Oh how I wish my old man kitty could handle having his feet touched. I hate stressing him out to cut his nails, but even if he’s calm, he always gets agitated during it, so we try to do it quickly and afterwards offer treats. My other fuzzy boy isn’t as stressed, but he’s also a wiggler, so we have to still be pretty quick.
Giving a reward afterwards is a good idea. Another thing you could try is to give them valerian toys prior to the claw clipping. It’ll work like catnip at first but will leave him more calm and mellow afterwards as valerian is also a natural calming agent.
Thank you for that information! I had no idea valerian did that for them.
You are welcome :). And yes it’s not that commonly known! Problem is when it comes to feline medicine a lot is still not properly researched.
You’re so right. Like I didn’t know you could give cats baby aspirin until I took my old man to the vet for a limp 🙁 They thought he might have arthritis and prescribed it. Of course the problem is he’s literally too smart for his own good. He figured out how to eat around the pill pockets to avoid the pill, but get the treat.
Ha cats can be a little too smart for their own good sometimes O.O
This is why I bought him a treat puzzle box for Christmas. Of course he’s figured out how to “break” it or cheat the system. I really can’t be mad though ?
Haha yeah we had one that the cats decided to simply push over and open up the top lid xD
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