Tabatha’s Amazing China Facts #1

A big hello to all the readers at Katzenworld on this fine, sunny day in Hangzhou, China. The sun has finally decided to display itself (with it’s hat on) after quite a few days of rain! The weather is still cold though. I have to wear my little knitted mittens every day.

Now as you will all have read in our previous post myself and my lovely owner Kat are currently living and working in China for a year. We are based in the city of Hangzhou, in Zheijang Province about an hour outside of Shanghai (well, by bullet train at least).

China is very different to that of the Western World and in all honesty it has taken some getting used to. However, we like to embrace change and live our lives to the absolute full 🙂

China is a very interesting country with a long history that spans thousands of years and is a country rich in culture. Being here I have learnt many interesting facts about this vast country and would like to share some of these facts with you lovely readers 🙂

Did you know?

1. China is the third largest country in the world! (Russia and Canada are 1st and 2nd).

2. Even though China has a huge land boundary (22,800 km!) it only has one time zone (+8 hours to UK time).

3. Beijing is the countries capital city (a.k.a ‘Peking’) and is home to the famous great wall of China and the Forbidden City.

4. Nobody is allowed to enter the Forbidden City after 5pm in the evening due to ghostly sightings and activities…spooky!

5. The Great Wall is 21,196.18 kilometers (13,170.70 miles!) long! WOW!

More interesting facts about China to come soon!

Remember to follow Kat and I at:  #tabathalovestotravel

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Thank you for reading!

Travel Blogging Kitty Tabatha xxxx


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4 thoughts on “Tabatha’s Amazing China Facts #1

  1. Pingback: Tabatha writes for Katzenworld :) – Tabatha's Travels #tabathalovestotravel

  2. Pingback: Tabatha’s Amazing China Facts #1 – Katzenworld Shop

    • tabathastravelssite says:

      It is called the Forbidden city as no commoners were allowed to enter. The Forbidden city was home to Chinese Emperors from 1421 to 1912 🙂

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